Tarot at the End of the Rainbow was published and released by Lo Scarabeo in March 2021. The artwork is by Davide Corsi and the accompanying booklet/Little White Book (LWB) is by Jaymi Elford. The LWB contains a rainbow-themed Tarot spread. The very succinct card meanings are in English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. If you are a beginner, you will need a bit more to go on.
This is a 78-card, fantasy/steampunk/rainbow themed Tarot deck. It has ogres, fairies, leprechauns, elves, goblins and all kinds of fantastical creatures. Many of them wear steampunk style clothing. The cards are brightly coloured. Within each card hides a rainbow. Sometimes the rainbow is quite subtle and you have to search for it… but it’s there!
I happen to have a thing for rainbows that even the past two years of NHS rainbows hasn’t managed to destroy. So when I spotted this deck on Instagram, I knew I had to have it. And just look at those glorious card backs! The triskele is a symbol I love and the colours are just stunning! The cardstock is standard Lo Scarabeo card stock. It’s neither too thick, nor too thin and shuffles beautifully straight of the box. And silky matte finish photographs well.
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Tarot at the End of the Rainbow Deck Interview

Describe yourself in three words or less. 4 of Cups
RT: Daydreamer
2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less? The Magician
RT: Doer, master manifestor
Me: That’s an interesting discrepancy with how you describe yourself. Could you elaborate?
RT: Sure! As you know, all manifesting begins in the realm of the imagination. That realm is, as you might have guessed, my forte. And I know that whatever I can imagine, I can also manifest. Daydreaming is an important job, in other words!
Me: Ah, thanks! That makes a lot of sense!
3. What gift do you bring? 9 of Wands
RT: I help you to look at past ‘mistakes’ as learning experiences and help you keep sound energetic boundaries in more than one dimension
4. What do you expect in return? The Wheel of Fortune
RT: Simply that you stay open and optimistic with regards to any opportunities that could come your way
5. How can you help me serve? 2 of Wands
RT: I can help you make actionable choices that keep you moving in the direction of your dreams
6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? Queen of Swords
BT: I can be quite direct and surprisingly rational in spite of my whimsical appearance.
Me: Ohhh… that’s interesting! I look forward to getting to know you better!
BT: Likewise!

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