
49. Vehuel – 8 of Wands

Vehuel Vah-Heh-Vah

Shem Angel 49 Vehuel is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘God the Great and Exalted’ or ‘The Great and Noble God.’ The name sounds like Vah-Heh-Vah. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Principalities (Netzach), under the rulership of Archangel Anael. The Planetary correspondences are Venus and Uranus. Vehuel has masculine energy and is the Angel of Elevation through service for the Highest Good. He brings us clarity about our purpose and helps us detach from any worldly desires that keep us from serving the Divine in the way that brings our souls the deepest joy possible. The corresponding gemstone is Leopardskin Jasper.

Vehuel rules the time between 4-4:20 PM. Primary rulership is over 23-27 November, corresponding with the first quinance (five days) of the first decan (ten days) of Sagittarius. The corresponding Tarot card for the first decan of Sagittarius is the 8 of Wands. Daniel rules the final five days of the first decan of Sagittarius. Veuhel’s secondary rulership covers 25 February, 9 May, 23 July, 6 October and 17 December.

We each have three Shem HaMephorash Guardian Angels by our side in every lifetime. They help us evolve and elevate our souls on the path to becoming Angelic Humans. The following explains the roles of your three Shem Guardian Angels: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

CLICK HERE to find your three Birth Angels.

Vehuel and the 8 of Wands

The 8 of Wands (Mercury in Sagittarius) can bring us clarity and focus. These are also gifts that Vehuel bring us when we ask. Vehuel loves to help us see our path of divine service with clarity and humility. He then helps us stay in our lane and not fall into any kind of extremes. The latter is important since it is the Middle Way of harmony that is divine and not our own passions.

Vehuel is known as the Angel of Elevation because when we serve others out of a love for God, we naturally become elevated.

“So it is. Everyone who is now last will be first, and everyone who is first will be last.”
~ Matthew 20:16

Mercury in Sagittarius is capable of great wisdom as well as the creation of great works of literature. These are talents that Veuliah brings to those who are born under his guardianship or who petition him. Of course, we still have to work to develop our gifts but if we do so for the Highest Good rather than our own glory, success is ensured.

Psalm to Invoke Vehuel

Psalm 145:3 to Invoke Vehuel

Weaknesses that Vehuel Can Transform

  • Atheism
  • Cynicism/negative writing
  • Religious extremism
  • Egotism, self-serving
  • Dryness in our spiritual life, inability to contemplate/meditate
  • Confusion about purpose
  • “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Use the Vah-Heh-Vah Mantra to…

…soften your heart, especially when a mind filled with doubt is keeping you in a state of confusion and is threatening to erode your faith in God. Chant Vah-Heh-Vah before you sit down to pray and meditate so that your devotion may spring forth from a pure and loving heart.

If we lack humility, Veuliah helps us be more like our Blessed Lord and Lady. With Veuliah by our side, we can carry our cross daily with deep joy in our hearts. He also helps us develop our talents so that they bring glory to God through our service.

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