
56. Poyel – 2 of Pentacles

Shem Angel 56 Poyel is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘God Who Sustains Everything’ or ‘God Who Sustains the Universe.’ The name sounds like Peh-Veh-Yoh. The corresponding Angelic Choir is Principalities (Netzach), under the rulership of Archangel Anael. The Planetary correspondences are Venus and the Moon. The Element is Earth. The associated gemstone is Bull’s Eye Stone. Poyel has masculine energy and is known as the Angel of Providence.

He can help you unlock your talents and express yourself with greater confidence, yet with your humility intact.

Poyel rules the time between 6:20 and 6:40 PM.

Primary (physical) rulership is for 27 – 31 December, covering the final five days of the first decan of Capricorn. The corresponding Minor Arcana Tarot card for the first decan of Capricorn is the 2 of Pentacles (Jupiter in Capricorn). Mebahiah rules the first quinance (five days) of the same decan. Poyel’s secondary (emotional) rulership covers 4 March, 16 May, 31 July, 13 October, and 24 December.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that Poyel has rulership over both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve!

Your Birth Angels

Each of us has three Guardian Angels in every incarnation. The following explains the roles of your three Shem HaMephorash: Primary rulership determines the physical and external material aspects of the person born within that date range. Secondary rulership determines the emotional characteristics and challenges a person may face. Finally, the time of day determines the person’s intellectual capability.

CLICK HERE to find your three Shem HaMephorash Birth Angels.

Poyel and the 2 of Pentacles

“Providence is wiser than you, and you may be confident it has suited all things better to your eternal good than you could do had you been left to your own option.”
― John Flavel

Poyel is the Angel of Providence and providence means that God ensures that everything that is meant for you will come to you. Knowing this, you can relax when you juggle whatever the world throws at you. You can trust that whatever falls away does not belong in your life. The quote below is a good fit with Jupiter (expansive, truth-loving, visionary) in Capricorn (dutiful, hardworking) energy.

“He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end may safely trust to God’s providence to lead him aright.”
― Blaise Pascal

Some of the meanings of the 2 of Pentacles are cash flow, juggling tasks, adaptability, choices, and business partnerships. Poyel is a good match with this energy in all the positive expressions of the card. Poyel helps you keep a healthy cash flow, discern who is a good business partner, and how to best use your talents so that you can earn a decent living. He also helps you keep stress at a minimum, thus preventing the build-up of disease.

Psalms to Invoke Poyel

Poyel - Psalms to Invoke

Weaknesses that Poyel Can Transform

  • Faking happiness
  • Lack of success
  • Financial misfortune
  • Speech impediments
  • Disease
  • Boasting
  • Degenerate and wasteful living

Use the Peh-Veh-Yoh Mantra to…

…manifest anything that is alignment with the Highest Good. This Angel brings the energy of The Star card down to a practical level. Poyel can help you better manage your finances, find a business opportunity, heal from stress and disease, and clean up your life and speech in general so that people see you for who you truly are.

Poyel helps you flow gracefully with all of life’s ups and downs while maintaining a positive attitude so that you do not miss any opportunities.

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