Pick-a-pile Tarot readings for the Jupiter in Gemini Transit or any time you wish to expand your learning or communication.
14. Mebahel the Angel of Commitment and the 8 of Swords
Shem Angel 14 Mebahel is the Guardian Angel whose name means ‘God the Protector and Saviour’ or ‘God the Preserver.’ The name sounds like Meh-Beh-Heh. Mebahel has masculine energy. He …
13. Iezalel Angel of Fidelity and the 8 of Swords
Guardian Angel 13 Iezalel (aka Yezalel or Jezalel) is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The Glorified God’ or ‘God Who Is Praised for All Things.’ The name sounds like Yoh-Zah-Lah. Iezalel has masculine energy. He …
8 of Swords Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for the 8 of Swords. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and prayer.