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The Major and Minor Arcana in Relationship Tarot Readings

Today I thought we would break the structure of the Tarot deck down in a way that gives you the bigger picture in love and relationship readings. It is always useful to look at the bigger picture first when analysing a Tarot spread, before delving into specific card/positional and combination meanings

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11 Love Tarot Reading Blunders To Avoid

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to read for yourself about love and relationships? Maybe you have even had the experience of going to a couple of different Tarot readers with the same question and received wildly varying predictions? It’s pretty bad when you have a reading or two and end up more confused than you were to begin with!

Tarot Cards for Marriage

Other than ‘Will he come back?,’ the most popular question I get asked is ‘When will I meet The One?’… as in the one you marry, settle down and start a family with. So I thought we would look at some card combinations that show the intent to truly commit.

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The Shit Sandwich Tarot Spread

Did your teacher talk about the ‘shit sandwich’ when you went to school? It’s a technique for how to deliver constructive criticism. It consists of saying something supportive/encouraging, then adding …