Romance Tarot meanings for the 8 of Wands as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. With a Ritual & Love Tarot Spread.
The Star As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)
Romance Tarot meanings for The Star as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. With a Ritual & Guiding Star Love Tarot Spread.
8 of Swords As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)
Love Tarot meanings for the 8 of Swords as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. With a Ritual & Clear Communication Tarot Spread
5 of Wands As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)
Love and relationship meanings for the 5 of Wands as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Ritual & Tarot Spread.
The Devil As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)
Love and relationship meanings for The Devil as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Ritual & Tarot Spread.
King of Pentacles As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)
Love and relationship meanings for King of Pentacles as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Ritual & Tarot Spread.
The Wheel of Fortune As Feelings (with a Ritual and Tarot Spread)
Love and relationship meanings for The Wheel of Fortune as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Ritual & Tarot Spread
9 of Cups As Feelings (with a Ritual and Tarot Spread)
Love and relationship meanings for the 9 of Cups as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Love Tarot Ritual & Spread.
Ace of Wands As Feelings (with Love Tarot Spread and Ritual)
Love and relationship meanings for Ace of Wands as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes a Love Tarot Ritual & Spread.
5 of Cups As Feelings (with Tarot Spread and Ritual)
Love & relationship meanings for the 5 of Cups as feelings and for all aspects of the relationship. Includes an Angelic Ritual & Tarot Spread