year ahead year review tarot spreads

Simple Year Review and Year Ahead Tarot Spreads

year review year ahead tarot spread

If you have been looking for a simple year review tarot spread and to gain insights into what lies ahead for next year, you’ve come to the right place! These two spreads use the same classic star/cross layout you see above.

Year Review Tarot Spread

  1. The main lesson I learned in 2023
  2. How I mastered this lesson (a court card could indicate help from a teacher/guide or counsellor)
  3. Shadow issue connected with this lesson
  4. What this lesson helped me move on from
  5. What this lesson is helping me embrace next on my journey of individuation

Year Ahead Aspiration Tarot Spread

  1. Main goal/aspiration for 2024 
  2. What I must do to achieve this
  3. Shadow issue that will surface as I meet the challenge
  4. What must be released for me to achieve it
  5. What new thing/energy I need to embrace to achieve it

Benefits of Conducting a Year Review

Reflecting on the past year through a year review can be immensely beneficial, both personally and professionally. Here are some key benefits of conducting a year review:

1. Increased Self-Awareness

A year review facilitates deeper self-awareness by encouraging you to reflect on your experiences, decisions, and their outcomes. This process helps identify behavioral patterns and emotional responses that either served your interests or hindered your progress.

2. Clarification of Values and Goals

By reviewing the past year, you can clarify what truly matters to you and whether your current goals still align with your values. This realisation may prompt necessary adjustments to ensure your actions are in line with your authentic self.

3. Enhanced Decision-Making

With a clearer understanding of past successes and failures, you are better equipped to make informed decisions. Learning from previous mistakes and recognizing successful strategies can guide your future choices, leading to more effective and efficient outcomes.

4. Motivation and Empowerment

Analysing what you have achieved over the past year can be incredibly motivating. Celebrating your accomplishments can boost your confidence, while recognising missed opportunities can ignite a renewed passion to pursue your goals with vigour.

5. Stress Reduction

Understanding the causes of your stress and how you dealt with various challenges can help in managing future stressors. This self-reflection process promotes a proactive approach to stress management, rather than being reactive when pressures mount.

6. Better Planning

With all the insights gained, you are in a better position to plan for the upcoming year. This might include setting new goals or adjusting your strategies to ensure they are more aligned with your personal growth and professional development.

7. Closure and Renewal

Finally, a year review provides a sense of closure, allowing you to reconcile and make peace with the past year’s events. This process clears mental and emotional space, making room for new experiences and challenges.

Conducting a year review is a powerful tool for personal development, enabling continuous learning and growth. Whether through journaling, discussions with a mentor, or a more structured reflection like a tarot spread, taking the time to look back can significantly influence how you move forward.

Don’t forget to journal your readings and to check back in on the year ahead reading to stay on track!

Looking for a more advanced year ahead Tarot spread with lots and lots of cards? Check THIS out!

Check out this massive library with 300+ FREE Tarot Spreads for personal & spiritual development!


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