ACT - An Aries New Moon Tarot Spread

Showing Up for Myself – The ACT Aries New Moon Tarot Spread

Hey, Moon-gazers, We have a shiny New Moon in Aries tomorrow morning at 9.50 AM BST. Are you ready to start a new cycle of manifestation? You really don’t want to miss out on the momentum this lunation can provide!

Aries, being the first sign of the Zodiac, represents unique individuality and expressing that individuality fully. To do so means that you have to be fully committed to yourSELF and your own path in life. This means giving zero fucks about the opinions of other people. This also means realising that more often then not, you will have to take the lead, even when it feels out of your comfort zone to do so.

Not long ago, I was watching a video by a public speaker and business motivator on YouTube. One of his main tips was to find your word – A word that sums up what you stand for, a word that will keep motivating you and keep you going when the going gets tough.

The word that almost instantly floated into my conscious mind, from the recesses of my unconscious mind, where it had been trying so hard to get me to re-evaluate my progress, was act. I don’t think it was a coincidence this happened on the day Mercury went direct, by the way!

Act is a very Aries-flavoured word and the perfect antidote to my Pisces Moon, Mars and North Node tendency to cling to dream mode where dreams, when not acted upon, inevitably die and become replaced by other, ever more unreachable dreams and goals.

Act is also a word that fits with me realising that I am responsible for my own progress. Me. Nobody else. Period.

Finally, act fits very well with the New Moon energy for tomorrow’s New Moon in Aries, which is all about new beginnings where we take action for self-realisation. It’s a high energy New Moon for sure!


So I came up with a simple three-card Aries New Moon Tarot spread for capitalising on this energy, based on an acronym of the word act:

A = Achievement, ‘Where do I need to focus my energy now in order to achieve my goal?’

C = Compassion, ‘How can I extend compassion toward myself and others as I focus on achieving this goal?’

T = Trust, ‘How can I establish a foundation of trust for the process of reaching this goal?’ (showing up consistently, keeping specific promises etc)

Sample Reading with the Circle of Life Tarot

Circle of Life Tarot

This reading is for a specific career goal that I’m not at liberty to speak about in detail quite yet but it will take me in a new direction in the future, and a direction I feel blends well with my work with the Tarot since it has to do with mind-body-spirit wellness.

Achievement7 of Swords shows me that I’m still at the planning and organising stage of this new path. I do best to keep my plans to myself at this stage, until something more tangible is ready to be born. I need to do my research and allow for the gap in the lag between mind and emotions to close before I go public with this new venture.

Compassion5 of Pentacles. It’s okay to have to do work just to support myself until I can devote 100% of my time and energy to the work I am truly on fire for. I need to stay grounded enough to realise that I can’t do this without the proper resources being in place first. Learning patience about this helps me develop more compassion for others who are in a similar place, big dreamers who have yet to tap the right resources.

Trust The Star. This card always makes me smile. I’m just going to keep drinking that positivity in and pouring out – I’m going to sprinkle it everywhere like fairy dust! By feeding my mind with positive self-talk and listening to all the right people, I am able to nurture hope and optimism in others also. Whether or not I get paid for it, this is what establishes the foundation of trust I need right now.


Have you got 15 seconds to spare? Please vote in my Twitter poll below and/or leave a comment on what your main goal for this Aries New Moon is!

Lisa Frideborg

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Lisa Frideborg

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  1. It’s funny, for me this year is all about looking inward – you may have noticed I’ve been pretty quiet 😀 I think my word must be healing…
    Will look forward to hearing more about your new path when you are ready (((hugs)))

    1. Author

      Yes, I have noticed. Hugs and best wishes for the healing you need to flow. I know it will.

  2. My word is “compassion ” and I didn’t even realize it was part of the spread. Compassion gets me through. Every time. Without, I’d be a pretty angry individual with all the nonsense that goes on in the world.

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