a capricorn new moon tarot spread

Capricorn New Moon Tarot Spread

capricorn new moon tarot spread

The Capricorn New Moon is a great time for focusing on goal-setting and what we wish to achieve in the Year Ahead. The great thing is that if you intend to make the most of the year ahead but have not yet set any firm intentions, the January Capricorn New Moon invites you to do just that. This lunation brings a wonderful opportunity to gain clarity and receive the celestial momentum for getting the ball rolling on any long-term goals you would like to achieve.

We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.
~ Carlos Castaneda

The Tarot spread below allows you to gauge your aspiration/motivation levels, clear blocks to manifesting and tweak your energy while remaining realistic about the possibilities that lie ahead in true Capricorn fashion.

10 Long-Term Goals and Intentions to Set at the Capricorn New Moon

Feel free to consult the list below if you are stuck for ideas about what intentions to set during the Capricorn New Moon:

  • Advance in my career
  • Learn a new skill
  • Improve management skills
  • Achieve financial independence
  • Strengthening bones, teeth and skin
  • Improved knee health
  • Improve my status
  • Foster personal growth and development (be specific)
  • Turn a passion project into an earning opportunity
  • Any long-term fitness goal

You are not limited to the suggestions above. The main thing to bear in mind is that you should set long-term or very long-term goals during this lunation. The goals should align with your purpose, lead to useful outcomes and be as specific and realistic as possible. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, approves of sound planning, perseverance and realistic goals.

Capricorn New Moon Tarot Spread

capricorn new moon tarot spread
  1. What long-term goal should I set the intention for during the New Moon in Capricorn?
  2. My motivation levels
  3. An inherent strength or talent I can harness to achieve my goal
  4. A subconscious block to my aspirations
  5. How to clear this block
  6. What short-term goal to focus on during this lunar cycle
  7. The best possible outcome at the end of this year (or whatever time frame you have chosen)

CLICK HERE to learn about the Capricorn energy cards in the Tarot.


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