Goddess Freyja is the lover of all of humanity and the greatest Divine Cheerleader you could ever hope to find. As the Goddess of Love, she is an excellent teacher of self-love. Freyja helps us tap into any potential that is untapped due to a lack of self-love.
Before doing the Tarot spread that will help you tap into your full potential below, I recommend lighting a candle to Freyja. The candle can be gold or pink (especially rose-scented). Say a prayer if you like. You can use your own words or use the words below (for the full litany of rosary prayers to Freyja CLICK HERE):
Hail Freyja, Goddess of Love! Vanadis, Awakener, Queen of Witches, Bringer of Joy, may I walk in beauty.
Fehu, Fehu, Fehu!
Abundance flows from you – Bringer of Joy, may your love light ever guide me! And so it is.

1. Untapped potential – The Fool: Basically, you have missed out on how to make your life epic in the sense that you have been afraid to express your unique individuality, fearing rejection because you always felt like the odd one out anyway. So instead of maxing out on your wonderful weirdness and wow factor, you tried to fit in. Not a smart move as it turns out. In some ways, you are only now embarking properly on your life journey and doing what you came here to do. Fear not – It is never too late to start over and you do have a lot of experience wrapped in your kerchief.
2. Strength – 9 of Spears (Wands): All the previous wrong turns have taught you how to have sound boundaries.
3. Weakness – Ace of Swords: You like new ideas more than you like following through. You are a dreamer who happily dwells in the world of ideas where, let’s face it, not much ever happens.
4. Self-love challenge – Page of Cups: Your inner child expresses the unadulterated version of your unique, creative self. She was not afraid to swim against the tide or choose a different path from the well-trodden ones. You need to let her run the show. (Especially true in combination with The Fool!)
5. Why this strength is not enough – 4 of Cups: Knowing how to protect yourself has led to isolation and an inability to seize opportunities that would come to you via fellowship.
6. How to turn the weakness into strength – 7 of Swords: Force yourself to come up with a cunning plan every time you have a brilliant new idea. In the process of doing so, you are able to discard the less viable ideas in favour of the ones that can be put to work for you.
7. How to overcome the self-love challenge – 9 of Shields (Pentacles): Honour yourself by moving forward with dignity and integrity – apart from the crowd but yet in ways that will (eventually) benefit one and all.

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