A Tarot Spread for Self-Love to nurture deeper self-compassion and awareness. Embrace your journey towards unconditional self-acceptance.
How to Enchant Jewellery in 5 Easy Steps
Learn how to enchant your jewellery for protection, abundance or communication in five easy steps. Add a touch of magick to your jewellery!
Venus Retrograde Tarot Spread
The Venus retrograde in 2023 begins on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, 22 July. Today we look at how to make the most of this Rx Season.
Tarot of the Wyld Godde Lovers
The Tarot of the Wyld Godde Lovers have some questions for us about trust, self-acceptance, compassion and manipulative behaviour.
Goddess Freyja Tarot Spread
The Goddess Freyja Tarot spread can help you tap greater levels of self-love so that you can manifest your full potential.
7 Gifts of Love to Give Yourself This Valentine’s
What lovely new habits can you begin implementing to show your complete being, Mind-Body-Spirit, some TLC this Valentine’s weekend?
The Love You Deserve Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you understand why you attract a certain type of partner and what kind of love you truly deserve…
The ‘Happy in My Own Skin’ Tarot Spread
Sharing my journey to loving my body and a Tarot spread that might help you love the skin you’re in.