dream a new dream

Jupiter-Neptune Dream a New Dream Tarot Spread

dream a new dream tarot spread for the jupiter-neptune conjunction in pisces

The upcoming JupiterNeptune conjunction in Pisces inspired me to create a ‘Dream a New Dream Tarot Spread.’ In Shamanism it is believed that we dream our existence into being. Shamans believe that there is a collective dream reality as well as a personal one. Jungians would refer to the collective dream as the collective unconscious. If we look at the collective dream that we have been dreaming for the past 2,000 years, a couple of things become immediately apparent.

Firstly, instead of focusing our efforts on compassion in the Age of Pisces, we have allowed fear to reign. This, in turn, has pulled us all into the collective victim-perpetrator nightmare. It is time to dream a new and better dream collectively. The good news is that now, at the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, is the perfect time to do so. And on 12 April, we get a bit of extra help from the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces that is exact on that day. But you don’t have to wait until then to try the Dream a New Dream Tarot Spread!

The Dream a New Dream Tarot Spread

dream a new dream tarot spread
  1. The Collective Nightmare
  2. My Personal Dream
  3. Challenge in Detaching from the Collective Nightmare
  4. A New and Better Dream for the Collective
  5. Supportive Action for Manifesting the New Dream

Dream a New Dream Sample Tarot Reading

  1. The Collective NightmareStrength. If you read with reversals, this would be Strength reversed. It’s about power and dominion over Gaia and other people due to a lack of compassion, mercy and forgiveness. The victim-perpetrator paradigm is perpetuated in this energy of oppression and domination.
  2. My Personal Dream2 of Wands. This card has the esoteric title ‘Dominion.’ My personal dream is still very much centred in the polarity paradigm. I catch myself slipping back into it multiple times a day. This typically happens when I judge someone or believe that my opinion is better than theirs.
  3. Challenge in Detaching from the Collective NightmareThe Moon. This is the karmic challenge I would expect to see in this position, to be honest. And it’s pretty massive. It takes constant realignment for now because the illusion is thick in the ether. It’s easy to fall back asleep and believe that the collective dream is real.
  4. A New and Better Dream for the Collective3 of Wands. Here we move from dominion to virtue and work together for the Highest Good.
  5. Supportive Action for Manifesting the New Dream6 of Wands. Inspire optimism and confidence that dreaming a new dream collectively is possible. Allowing myself to enter into a creative flow state as often as possible.
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