mind reboot tarot sperad for the new moon solar eclipse in gemini

New Moon in Gemini Solar Eclipse Mind Reboot Tarot Spread

New Moon in Gemini Solar Eclipse Mind Reboot Tarot Spread

A lot can and has been said by people who are much more well-versed in Astrology than I am. I suggest listening to luminaries such as Pam Gregory, Bracha Goldsmith or Heather Ensworth. What is clear to me is that we are facing a massive reboot as always when there’s an eclipse. This solar eclipse in Gemini enables better heart-mind alignment, as well as a more optimistic view of the future. IF – and it’s a BIG if – we can avoid self-deception which is a real possibility with the square to Neptune on that day. To avoid confusion and self-deception, I created the Mind Reboot Tarot Spread below.

We need to be willing to dig deep to clear our minds of unwanted thought patterns. However, the Saturn Rx trine in Aquarius should be really helpful for just that. We want to be responsible for our Air energy. We also want to look at the long-term Summum Bonum for the collective. Let’s face it, we’ll rarely get a better chance to expand our consciousness collectively and to take a quantum leap into 5D consciousness.

The Heart is the Key to Aligning the Mind

Neptune rules the heart and is the higher octave of Venus. Venus is love; Neptune is compassion. Mercury, conjunct the Sun during this lunation, rules the head. Mercury is one of the planets that are currently retrograde. This is a great time for going within to release thought patterns that keep us from being the most compassionate version of ourselves.

The Tarot spread below can be used anytime, you need to align your mind and heart.

Mind Reboot Eclipse Tarot Spread

mind reboot tarot spread

1. This thought pattern or habit prevents me from having peace of mind

2. This thought pattern or habit prevents me from cultivating compassion

3. For the next six months I should focus my mind on this

4. And in doing so, I should nurture this

5. Then the result will be this

Lightworkers and Starseeds, try this Solar Eclipse Light Language Activation!

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