my spiritual practice tarot spread

My Spiritual Practice Tarot Spread

My Spiritual Practice Tarot Spread

What is your spiritual practice like at the moment? Does it help you fulfil your life purpose? Does it inspire you? Is it part of your morning routine or does it bookend your days? Most importantly, is your spiritual practice doing the three things that any spiritual practice must do in order to serve its purpose?

I sort of knew there was a Tarot spread somewhere in there and, sure enough, when I sat down at my office desk this morning, inspiration flowed for the spread you see below. I hope you find it helpful and I welcome any questions you may have about it in the comments! Keep scrolling for a sample reading with the Frideborg Tarot.

my spiritual practice tarot spread

My Spiritual Practice Sample Reading with the Frideborg Tarot

my spiritual practice tarot spread sample reading with the frideborg tarot
  1. My spiritual practice – Page of Pentacles: My focus is definitely on the study side of things at the moment. I almost feel as if I’m making up for lost time in the sense that I see everything with fresh eyes now that I have freed myself from religious programming.
  2. What’s not working (fix or do less)The Hermit: Maybe too much focus on the study side of things and also a tendency to isolate myself.
  3. What is working (do more)  – Queen of Cups: More devotion and holding hands with the Divine!
  4. How my spiritual practice can strengthen my faith in myself, Source and life itself – 7 of Swords: By reprogramming my mind and emotions, outwitting the separate self.
  5. A way in which my spiritual practice can give me more courage for self-expression – 8 of Pentacles: Aiming for excellence and putting my best foot forward in my work. Or, as Mikao Usui puts it in his Reiki Principles: Just for today, I do my work honestly.
  6. How my spiritual practice can help me see that everything that is happening right now in my life is happening for me rather than to me – 5 of Cups: It can help me shift heavy emotions and stop me from identifying with them. It can help me realise the futility of emotions like regret and pull me back into the present moment so that I can make the most of it.
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