My Tarot Journey Tarot Spread

My Tarot Journey Tarot Spread

There is a new tag on YouTube titled #tarotdeckaccountability. I decided to do a VR to Valerie over at And The Moon Loves Me. Taking part in this tag and having to think (again) about my deck collecting (or hoarding), I was reminded about The Mindful Deck Collector’s Tarot Spread I created a while back. This spread did actually help me kick-start my big deck purge. About 100 decks have gone from my collection since then. Yesterday, after realising I still had way too many Tarot decks, I put another ten up for sale on eBay. It’s good to keep checking as the little feckers seem to multiply behind my back.

But our journey with the Tarot isn’t really about the decks we own. Nor is it about adding to our ever-expanding wish list, is it? Our journey with the Tarot is about how/to which extent we allow the Tarot to act as a mirror for our soul. Our journey is also about how dedicated we are to improving our Tarot-reading skills. Where does our inner compass lead us next on this life-long quest for wisdom?

So, let’s use the Tarot as a mirror for a journey with the Tarot and have a play with the Tarot spread I created for this below…

My Tarot Journey Tarot Spread

My Tarot Journey Tarot Spread
  1. My reading style for Self
  2. Strength as a Tarot reader
  3. What the Tarot wishes I knew about myself and how I read (blind spot)
  4. How the Tarot changed me in the past
  5. How the Tarot can help me in the future
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