new moon in aries warrior angels tarot spread

Warrior Angels New Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

New Moon in Aries 2021 - Rise of the Warrior Angels (with Tarot Spread)

On the New Moon in Aries this year on the 12th of April 2021 here in the UK (11th in many other locations), Eris is conjunct Sun and Moon in Aries. Eris is currently square Pluto in Capricorn which can be challenging. However, there is also a beautiful trine between Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius. There is a massive breaking down of the old going. This New Moon is the perfect time for the empowerment of the Warrior Angels that are here on Earth now.

Now is the time to rise up and collapse all individual timelines that do not serve the Highest Good. Look at where this New Moon at 22 degrees of Aries falls in your chart. The House is your unique revolutionary starting point. This is where you take charge and begin the work of tikkun olam in earnest as the broken old world groans and falls away.

The start of it all is a massive clearing out of anything that keeps you in a state of fear or paralysis. You may find that some relationships simply fall away now for this reason. You may also find that you simply do not wish to spend time on distractions. Your will for change is stronger than your desire for staying numb, fearful, distracted or entertained. If you have not known the revolutionary side of your personality with it before, you may well connect with her during this New Moon.

Aries New Moon Tarot Spread for Your Inner Warrior Angel

  1. How to be a Warrior for Truth
  2. How to be a Warrior for Liberty
  3. What you need to know about strengthening your Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. Something that you need to release this Dark Moon
  5. Seeds of courage to plant on the New Moon in Aries

Archangel Camael

The prototype of the Warrior Angels is Archangel Camael (aka Chamuel). He rules Mars. You can learn more about him HERE.


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