pisces super moon lunar eclipse sep 2024 with tarot spread

September 2024 Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse with Tarot Spread

pisces super moon lunar eclipse sep 2024 with tarot spread

The upcoming Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse this week takes place in the Zodiac Sign of Pisces in both Tropical and Sidereal/Vedic Astrology. The relevant nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada. Here in the UK, the eclipse takes place in the wee hours of the morning of the 18th. On the other side of the pond, our American friends experience this eclipse on the evening of the 17th.

Jump to the Mermaid Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread

On a personal note, I’m pay extra attention to this lunation as it is conjunct my natal Moon in Pisces in opposition to Pluto. And now it makes more sense why the Dark Goddess has been calling me so strongly over the past couple of weeks. The process of transformation on the path through the Underworld is gathering momentum.

It’s always a good idea to check your own natal chart for a more precise understanding of the impact of any celestial event. You can view a tropical astrology chart for this lunation HERE.

The Meaning of the Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse

The upcoming lunar eclipse is a partial eclipse due to the nodal axis currently residing along the Aries-Libra axis. While partial, this lunation is nevertheless significant as it occurs during a super moon. Unlike regular full moons, a super moon appears larger and brighter in the night sky because it is closer to Earth in its elliptical orbit. As a result, the lunar energies are intensified, making this partial eclipse a potent time for transformation and revelation. With Neptune conjunct Luna, it is also a time to dream big and to clear any blockages that stand between us and our deepest, most heartfelt desires.


Piscean Vibes

With the lunar eclipse occurring in the sign of Pisces, the collective and individual effects take on a deeply spiritual and introspective tone. Pisces, a water sign ruled by Neptune, governs intuition, dreams, and the unconscious mind. This lunar eclipse encourages the collective to tap into their intuition and spiritual insights.

On an individual level, it may bring to light hidden fears, unresolved emotional issues, or deeply buried desires. Embracing the Piscean energy can guide individuals towards greater empathy, compassion, and a sense of universal connectedness. All around this eclipse has the potential to act as powerful catalyst for emotional and spiritual growth.

The Mermaid Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread

Inspired by the ethereal and mystical energy of the Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse, this Mermaid Tarot Spread can help you dive deep into the subconscious. It aims to illuminate hidden truths, stir emotional and spiritual growth, and guide you through personal transformation. However, there is no need to limit the use of this spread to just the September 2024 Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse. Feel free to use it for any lunation in a Water sign that hits strong transformational aspects in your own natal chart.

Mermaid Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread

The Spread

  1. The Ocean’s Depths – Represents your deepest fears or hidden emotional issues.
  2. The Siren’s Song – What is calling your subconscious attention? The dreams or visions that have been recurring.
  3. The Underwater Current – The emotional undercurrents affecting your current state; hidden influences.
  4. Pearl of Wisdom – Insights and lessons that this eclipse brings into your awareness.
  5. The Sea Turtle’s Path – The direction you need to move towards for personal transformation.
  6. Neptune’s Trident – The spiritual guidance or intervention available to you during this time.
  7. The Hidden Treasure – The hidden potential or unacknowledged gifts that you will uncover.
  8. The Mermaid’s Embrace – The way to nurture and heal yourself during this transformative period.

Sample Mermaid Lunar Eclipse Tarot Reading

pisces super moon lunar eclipse tarot reading with the mermaid tarot spread
Crow Tarot Pocket Edition

1. The Ocean’s Depths – King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles represents your deepest fears or hidden emotional issues. This card suggests you might be wrestling with fears surrounding stability and material security. There could be an underlying anxiety about your financial status, career achievements, or your ability to provide for yourself and those who depend on you. This Virgo energy card corresponds with the Virgo South Node and signals a time of karmic clearing of these fears.

2. The Siren’s Song – Justice

Justice is calling your subconscious attention. This card indicates a need for balance and fairness. You may have been experiencing recurring thoughts or dreams involving themes of justice, equality, and making things right. It’s a sign to consider how these issues are playing out in your life and what might need to be addressed to restore balance.

3. The Underwater Current – The Star

The Star represents the emotional undercurrents affecting your current state. This card speaks to hope, inspiration, and a sense of renewal that lies beneath the surface. It suggests that despite any difficulties, there is a pervasive sense of hope guiding you forward, encouraging a focus on future possibilities.

4. Pearl of Wisdom – The Lovers

The Lovers card brings insights and lessons from this eclipse. This card emphasises the importance of relationships and the choices you make within them. It highlights themes of unity, love, and harmony, urging you to align with your values and make heartfelt decisions that support your personal and spiritual growth.

5. The Sea Turtle’s Path – 4 of Cups

The 4 of Cups indicates the direction you need to move towards for personal transformation. This card suggests introspection and reevaluation of what truly fulfills you. It’s time to look beyond the surface. Consider if you’re ignoring opportunities for emotional growth and contentment. Seek what genuinely resonates with your true self.

6. Neptune’s Trident – 8 of Swords

The 8 of Swords represents the spiritual guidance or intervention available to you during this time. This card indicates feelings of restriction and mental entrapment. Neptune’s influence here is to illuminate these constraints, encouraging you to realise that these limits are often self-imposed. With surrender to what is rather than engaging with the monkeys in your monkey mind, you can find your way to freedom and clarity.

7. The Hidden Treasure – 8 of Wands

The 8 of Wands signifies the hidden potential or unacknowledged gifts that you will uncover. This card is about rapid movement, communication, and progress. It suggests that once you acknowledge and harness this energy, you’ll experience swift advancements and breakthroughs, particularly in areas you may not have anticipated.

8. The Mermaid’s Embrace – 7 of Cups

The 7 of Cups offers guidance on how to nurture and heal yourself during this transformative period. This card signifies multiple options and emotional confusion. It encourages you to ground yourself amidst the myriad of choices and emotions, to connect with your intuition, and to prioritise what truly aligns with your spiritual and emotional well-being.

Dive into the Mermaid Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread to uncover hidden truths, emotional growth, and spiritual insights under the transformative Pisces Super Moon Eclipse.

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