sagittarius new moon tarot spread

A Sagittarius New Moon Tarot Spread

sagittarius new moon tarot spread

Today I’m sharing a Sagittarius New Moon Tarot Spread for the upcoming New Moon on 12 December 2023. But before we dive in and flip some cards, let’s set the scene…

Jump to the spread!

It’s the morning of the New Moon, Sunday 3 December 1347. The Black Death will arrive at the shores of England in the year ahead but for now, everyone is happy and looking forward to the festivities of the season.

You find yourself in a field surrounded by rowan, ash and oak trees. A few hundred yards to the east, a manor house casts a long shadow in the low December sun. You are with a group of your friends on this sunny and relatively mild winter’s day. Many of those gathered have travelled for days to take part in a game of archery. 

There is a buzz in the air and you didn’t get much sleep the night before. The stakes are high because the Lord of the Manor has decided to grant a Christmas gift to the competition winner. It is a very generous prize indeed: Anything your heart desires, within reason, that the Lord has the power to give you.

The Lord’s Caveats

The prize must be something that you wish for with all your heart and that is for yourself, not for another person.

It must be reasonable for the Lord to present you with your gift at the next Full Moon.

What will you wish for? How much effort will you put into trying to win the competition?

I’m taking you for some time travel today to help you jog your imagination because without imagination you won’t be able to generate a vision for what you wish to manifest. Without a vision, there simply is no bullseye for the archer’s arrow to hit.

The Visionary Sign of The Archer

You find yourself in a Medieval archery field because the Moon is soon New in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius, i.e. ‘The Archer.’ Sagittarius is also known as ‘The Visionary.’ The corresponding Tarot Major Arcana card is Temperance. Just like the Archer needs a vision to hit the Bull’s Eye, the Angel of Temperance needs to have a vision for her blend. She’s not blending liquids willy-nilly.

You can read more about how to make the most of the Saggie New Moon energies HERE and more about Sagittarius Season and the corresponding Tarot cards HERE (including Tarotscopes).

Between now and the upcoming Full Moon, many wonderful things could begin to happen. But nothing can or will happen unless you set the intent. If you know what you wish for and use the Tarot as a guide for your arrow, you are sure to succeed. Before you lay the cards out, take a moment to ponder what you will ask of the Lord of the Manor (your Higher Self/Creator).

The Archer Sagittarius New Moon Tarot Spread

The Archer - A Sagittarius New Moon Tarot Spread

The Archer New Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Spread – Positional Meanings

  1. You. Shows your fitness levels for this ‘archery competition’
  2. The String. Shows how much effort you will have to exert to win your prize
  3. Bow & Quiver. Shows you what assets you brought with you
  4. The Shaft. Shows you how straight and smooth the flight path is likely to be
  5. Fletching. Shows your support and guidance from Spirit and the Angels
  6. The Arrowhead. Shows where you have the edge
  7. The Bullseye. The most likely outcome by the time of the Full Moon

I hope you have fun with this Tarot spread and that you don’t mind passing it along to your friends – Sharing is caring!

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