This week, we conclude the Tarot card meanings series about the Minor Arcana number cards with the positional meanings for the 1-10 of Pentacles. You can find the meanings for situation, challenge, opportunity and action advice for the other three suits here: Wands, Cups and Swords.
Ace of Pentacles
Situation: A windfall, a new job, or a gift. New beginnings where material resources are concerned
Challenge: To not waste your resources and to guard yourself against greed
Opportunity: The seeds of success can now be sown for any new business venture. Time to focus on prospering in the physical realm
Action Advice: Begin laying firm foundations for future success. The resources you need are available. Expect good news soon!
2 of Pentacles
Situation: Juggling two or more activities/ventures. A decision needs to be made. Work-related stress
Challenge: Sometimes you have to multitask. Your best is good enough!
Opportunity: Making a decision now can bring better work-life balance
Action Advice: Get organised and watch out for workaholic tendencies!
3 of Pentacles
Situation: Any situation that involves dedicated teamwork. Strong physical attraction is indicated in a relationship reading
Challenge: Working as a team means putting the ego to one side and focusing on the Highest Good for all. You could need to gain more experience before you proceed
Opportunity: Creating something truly excellent thanks to everyone contributing with their unique strengths and talents
Action Advice: Roll your sleeves up and get to work! It will pay off, either in terms of monetary gain or recognition
4 of Pentacles
Situation: Strong foundations are in place. Personal boundaries are strong/walls are up. There could be a need to tighten the proverbial belt
Challenge: Letting go of attachments to material pursuits or possessions
Opportunity: Gaining a firm foundation and being in control of resources/personal boundaries
Action Advice: Guard yourself against greed and become aware of your personal boundaries
5 of Pentacles
Situation: Problems relating to money or physical health. Feeling out in the cold. Being too proud to seek help
Challenge: Watch out for pride, a victim mentality and/or poverty consciousness
Opportunity: To assess the situation and accept responsibility for things going wrong with your money or your physical health. Learning to ask for help
Action Advice: Pause and take stock of why things are going wrong. This could lead to a breakthrough such as better trust in divine providence. Accept that we all need to ask others for help from time to time
6 of Pentacles
Situation: An exchange of gifts. Donations or charity. A fair or unfair exchange (see surrounding cards). This could mean work-related recognition
Challenge: Learning to give with a glad heart; it is more blessed to give than to receive. Sometimes it means walking away from an unfair situation (again, see surrounding cards). Guard your heart against jealousy
Opportunity: Sharing generously creates goodwill and abundance for all
Action Advice: Pay attention to your own willingness to share your abundance with others. Give if you can and if you have needs, trust that what is rightfully yours will come your way
7 of Pentacles
Situation: Waiting for the harvest to come in. You will reap what you have sown
Challenge: Being patient. Avoiding worry and anxiety about things that you are not currently able to control
Opportunity: Expect growth and an increase in abundance if you have done the work. Take a well-earned break
Action Advice: A good time to take stock of what you have achieved so far and to make plans for the harvest
8 of Pentacles
Situation: Learning/perfecting a new skill, using your talents to a high standard
Challenge: Avoid shortcuts. Paying attention to detail without getting pernickety or expecting absolute perfection. The latter will inevitably lead to disappointment
Opportunity: Your best is more than good enough for the project you are currently working on. What you are working on can be completed with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. You should expect to be well-compensated for any work you do
Action Advice: It’s time to buckle down and get some work/studying done! Just do your best and trust that it will be good enough
9 of Pentacles
Situation: Having all the material comforts one needs but still feeling lonely. Possibility of earning some extra money. Physical wellbeing
Challenge: To avoid showing off and generating jealousy/FOMO
Opportunity: To share your physical abundance generously with the world. Becoming a patron or benefactor of someone less fortunate will lessen the feeling of loneliness and isolation
Action Advice: Ask God to guide you about how to best distribute your wealth and resources
10 of Pentacles
Situation: Generational issues. Inheritances and legacies. Freedom from financial concerns (depending on surrounding cards)
Challenge: To see yourself as part of your bloodline and to develop your understanding of generational blessings and curses, especially with regard to money matters and physical health
Opportunity: To further your legacy
Action Advice: Become clear about what your legacy is and take action accordingly. Plant trees for future generations (literally and metaphorically)
Deck used in photo at top of post: Hanson-Roberts Tarot (affiliate link)

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