11 Love Tarot Reading Blunders To Avoid

psychic tarot card reader

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to read for yourself about love and relationships? Maybe you have even had the experience of going to a couple of different Tarot readers with the same question and received wildly varying predictions. It’s pretty bad when you have a reading or two and end up more confused than you were before you had them! My aim today is to help you avoid the kind of tarot reading blunders that trip you up.

Whether you are getting a reading from someone else or you are doing a Love Tarot reading for yourself, there are some scenarios you will want to avoid since they potentially could render the reading null and void, wasting your time and/or money. Or worse – giving your false hope when there should be none. Maintaining objectivity is extremely hard when reading about love… the heart wants what it wants!

Read about these eleven common blunders to help rein yourself in before getting or doing a love Tarot reading.

General Noob Tarot Reading Blunders

Reading on the same question over and over again – This is possibly the most common mistake beginners make, mostly because they don’t trust what they get the first time around. It’s very easy to start second-guessing your interpretation, especially if the cards were less than friendly or you didn’t like the outcome.

Trying advanced spreads too soon – Overreaching is another common mistake. Sticking to simple three-card spreads is a good rule of thumb when you first start reading for yourself. Cards in large spreads interact with each other and understanding exactly how is a complex process better left to the more advanced reader or the professional.

Reading with rose-tinted spectacles – Always choosing the most positive slant on the reading is a serious temptation when reading about a possible relationship or love interest. Try reading as if reading for someone else. Recording your voice as you do so and listening back is a quick remedy for the tendency to romanticise card meanings.

Tarot Readers Aren’t Mind Readers

Expecting whoever is reading for you to be able to mind-read – As a reader, I can’t begin to tell you how frustrating this is. When you go to a reader with your relationship question, the point is not to test them by giving them as little information about the relationship as possible to see if they are ‘genuine.’ A Tarot reader may or may not be psychic but that’s by the by.

The point is that in order to give a relevant interpretation that makes sense to your particular situation and provides useful guidance for the future, the reader needs the bare bones of the back story. Also, the more specific the question, the more specific and practical the advice. Your reading really is only ever as good as your question.

Reading on every little issue that crops up when you first start dating someone – It’s understandable to want to stay in control but trust me on this – if you try to control your relationship or your lover, you will end up choking love to death. Let go, live in the moment… use common sense… and most of all – enjoy!

Ethical Tarot Reading Blunders

Are you the jealous type? Then you may fall for the temptation of using the cards to spy on your love interest. There is a saying for this in the Bible: ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye. 

You don’t have to be a Bible-believing Christian to appreciate the wisdom of that passage. The Tarot is the best plank-removal tool in the history of mankind and that is how it should primarily be used. Also, how would you like it if someone used the cards to spy on you? The Golden Rule applies. You do have a right to read on issues that involve both of you but the main focus should be on the only person whose actions and choices you can control – yes, you!

Reading on your love interest’s love interest (third party reading) – Everything I just said above and then some applies to this blunder!

Reader-hopping, hoping to get the desired news from a reader – Some people who go for a reading just won’t accept ‘bad news’ or what they perceive as bad news. Perhaps the reader framed it poorly. Perhaps it didn’t even matter how it was framed because only the hoped-for answer will be ‘right.’ Either way, the only result you can ever get from reader-hopping is confusion. It creates bad karma all around and that is why I refuse to read on questions that another reader has recently read on.

Objectivity Tarot Reading Blunders

Not taking a minute before you begin to ground and centre – Most people who are absolute noobs don’t actually fall for this one. It is more likely to occur when the learner reader begins to feel a bit cockier and starts ‘throwing a card’ for almost any question that pops into their mind.

You may not need to light incense, cast a circle and invoke a deity before you begin but at least take a few deep breaths to relax and clear your mind. Clutter in = clutter out.

Not writing down your question when reading for yourself – I’d go even further and say, write down all your feelings about the situation you are reading on too – that way you get a subjectivity check before you even start reading.

Not following up on readings done for self – The point of documenting your question is so that you can follow up and make a note of the outcome/learning process. This truly is the only way of developing objectivity.

Lisa signature


  1. Hi Lisa, I know when you read – you get an energy to help you interpret the reading, but have you ever gone back to review a reading and noticed that you got a different interpretation of the cards? In your experience, which has been more accurate? The first reading or the second interpretation after it has marinated in your head?

    1. Author

      Always first impressions. Chances are you have been overthinking things the first time around to ‘make it fit’ with what you wish for… first impressions are gut instincts that come before you start labelling what you swee with words. You already know – the cards simply mirror what you know. If things seem clearer when you revisit the spread it is because they are. Everything is with hindsight. ALWAYS write your question down and then write the answer down without thinking about it first when reading for yourself. I’m pretty sure you’ll find that sort of semi-automatic writing based on your gut insticts accurate!

  2. Great article! How do you know if someone has already asked a question to other readers? Do you ask every single time before starting the reading?

    I had this happen to me last month, a girl came to me for a relationship reading, I got all really great cards and gave her a good reading and then she emailed me back asking if I was a joke because the last 3 people she asked said the opposite of what I said. She was really rude and I ended up refunding her money because I wanted to clear her energy from me, but I told her it is not good to ask the same question to multiple readers. Just wondering how you prevent this from happening? I’ve gotten readings done by different readers for years, all on different questions and no one has ever asked me if I asked this to another reader so I’m curious how you do it.


    1. It’s in my terms and conditions which people agree to have read before placing the order. But in addition to that (know full well people almost never read the fine print) I also ask sometimes – just to make sure in cases where Spirit nudges me that something is off.

      Btw, sounds like we might have read for the same client! lol

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