7 Ways to Use Tarot and Crystals Together

Tarot and Crystals Together

Crystals are amplifiers of energy and can be used for healing, magick and communication. The Tarot is a powerful tool for transformation – ‘The Mirror of the Soul’ – and can also be used to communicate messages, facilitate healing and cast magick spells. Together, Tarot and crystals form a ‘Super Duo.’ 

I have experimented with how to use the two together for many years and thought I’d share seven of my favourite crystal and tarot combo tips with you today…

Cleanse your cards

An amethyst cluster is ideal for this. Simply rest your working deck on the cluster overnight to refresh and recharge overnight. I also recommend resting any deck you’ve bought second-hand on an amethyst cluster, at least overnight before you use it. You can do this after wiping the cards gently with a soft cloth and/or passing them through sandalwood or white sage incense to cleanse them. Then they are ready for you to bless and dedicate.

Store your cards

If you store your cards in a pouch or wooden box, you can easily add a crystal or two to keep them charged up. One of my favourite Tarot bags is made of 100% silk and has a couple of crystals in the lining. This is great because that way they can’t go missing, which typically tends to happen for me with loose crystals. Go with your intuition about which crystals to use for this and don’t forget that they need cleansing regularly unless they are self-cleaning like amethyst, citrine and kyanite.

Vibrational medicine

I use Tarot cards to create vibrational essences and I find that adding crystals to the charging process greatly enhances the product. You can also use the Tarot directly on your body for chakra healing, for instance, and this works even better if you add a corresponding crystal. For instance, for heart healing, you may wish to try placing Justice or The Empress (Archangel Anael) over the Anahata (heart) chakra, with a piece of rose quartz on top.

Help with readings

Crystals can greatly enhance our thinking and our intuition, as well as how we express our thoughts in both verbal and written communication. My favourite crystals to work with during readings for these purposes are amethyst, lapis lazuli and sodalite for intuition (all three enhance the third eye) turquoise for communication (throat chakra) and mixed fluorite for mental clarity (crown chakra).

Another way to have crystals help with your reading is to ask your client to randomly choose a crystal and then allow the message of that crystal to give the reading focus. There are two ways of doing this: you can let your client choose a stone randomly, from a bag, without looking… or… you can lay the crystals out on the table and ask the client to choose the one they feel most drawn to. If you work with smaller/less expensive crystals, it is a nice touch to let your client keep this crystal after the reading. You can also create an affirmation for your client to use with the crystal.

You can also complement your Tarot or Angel card readings with crystal pendulum dowsing and/or crystal ball scrying.

Spirit communication/meditation

For communicating with spirit guides during meditation and readings, selenite and clear quartz are both helpful. Simply hold a larger piece in your cupped hands or two smaller pieces (one in each hand) while you meditate. It will amplify communication from the spirit world and make the messages easier to understand.

Magick amplifiers

You can create a spell using a Tarot card (or combination of cards) that symbolises your desired outcome. Let’s say, for instance, that you wish to manifest a love relationship with someone that you will marry and settle down with for life. On your altar, you might place the 2 of Cups (Venus in Cancer), The Sun and the 10 of Pentacles. The 10 of Pentacles (Mercury in Virgo) is for a commitment in love that lasts long enough to generate a legacy for future generations. The corresponding Archangel is Raphael (the Angel in The Lovers).

The crystal to use for amplifying the energy of the 10 of Pentacles and Archangel Raphael would be peridot or green aventurine. You might wish to use this together with rose quartz for invoking the assistance of Archangel Anael (Venus/2 of Cups) and citrine (The Sun) for lasting happiness.

Get to know your crystals

You can use the Tarot to ‘interview’ new crystals. CLICK HERE for a Tarot spread to use for this.

Have you started hoarding crystals? Then you need to read ‘How Many Crystals Are Enough?‘!

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  1. Very informative Lisa – thanks – have been incorporating crystals with the Tarot just lately and they do amplify the meanings of readings. 🙂

  2. Thank you, Lisa for sharing re Tarot and Crystals. I Am enjoying all information, and insights.

    Continued Peace, and Light! ♥

    1. Author

      Hi Naike, thanks for commenting. I’m so glad you injoy the info I share. Have a great weekend! New Moon Blessings, Lisa

  3. I love this! I love Crystals and Tarot together! I like to use whatever calls to me for a particular reading but I mostly have the following stones at every reading: Lapis Lazuli (my “Power” stone), Selenite (for higher communication), Hematite and/or Black Tourmaline (for protection), Rose Quartz (for loving energies), Labradorite (to tap into the Cosmos), Sodalite (for communication – another “Power” stone!), Reiki blessed Clear Quartz…and whoever else wants to join the party! Sometimes my Rainbow Moonstone Lion likes to come in to give me strength for spreads that might lay down some Tarot Tough Love 🙂 Crystals are amazing friends, especially when paired up with the Tarot! <3 These are great resources! I love the Crystal Interview Tarot spread. I'll have to try that when I get some new crystal friends! 🙂

    1. Author

      Thanks, Katzi. I love black tourmaline for psychic protection and grounding too! Labradorite I find wonderfully soothing as well as ‘cosmic’ 🙂 Have fun with the Crystal Interview Tarot spread! Blessings

  4. Two other ways I’ve used crystals are in having a crystal oracle – for example, casting small crystals onto a cloth with astrological houses on it. And also using a crystal to mark cards that came up reversed in a reading (not that I often read with reversals).
    Love your idea of sewing crystals into your tarot bags! And such an interesting perspective on vibrational medicine 🙂

    1. Those are great ideas, Chloe- thanks for sharing! Did you make your own cloth with astrological houses or did you buy one? If you bought one please let us know where as I wouldn’t mind having one of those. I didn’t know you were a ‘sometimes reversals’ reader. The only time I use reversals is with Zach Wong’s Revelations Tarot 😀

      1. I made my own astrological houses cloth – just drew a circle on a black cloth and divided it into 12 slices, and put the astrological symbols for the zodiac signs in them. You could also just do it on a piece of paper 😀
        As for sometimes reversals, I go through phases of using them every now and again. Or else if I somehow accidentally manage to mix a deck up (rare), I might go with it 😉

        1. Author

          Darn, I’ll have to go looking for one to buy… I’m not very good with arts and crafts. Well done though! 🙂

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