Creative Joy Tarot Healing Technique

joyful creativity

Are you stuck? Suffering from writer’s block? Perhaps you feel you have something to share but just can’t seem to get it out there. I created a multi-purpose creative joy tarot healing technique to use as a tool for your creative journey. This simple technique can help you get unblocked.

“The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” — Alan Alda

Breathe in Joy

Sit in silence for a minute and focus on a point between your solar plexus and heart chakras (see chart). Visualise a point of white light there, the size of a small coin. Breathe in joy into this point of light and breath out sadness, anger, pain, stagnation… Use as many breaths as you need to clear the negative energy until you breathe out pure joy.

chakras creative joy tarot technique

See how this light expands to envelop the two chakras above and below, and then expands even further until it bathes your whole being and energy field in white light.

Turn some high-vibrational upbeat music on. Ideally, it should be the sort of tune that will make you want to get up and dance.

Now focus on the quality of laughter and randomly pull one card. This card gives you the most joyful way to go about manifesting your creative idea. Use any bright, light, fun and inspiring deck you feel drawn to work with for this. I chose to work with the Wild Green Chagallian Tarot (Majors only) deck for this:

the hanged one wild green chagallian tarot creative joy tarot technique

The Hanged One – my Shadow Card. Notice the colours corresponding with the SP, chakral and heart chakra colours.

The message is one of joy through new perspectives and letting go of control.
The movements to release a block at the SP level were inspired by the swaying arm motion depicted in the card.

Sit with the card image for a minute and let it give you its message on as many sensory levels as possible. Then tune into your body to feel if the card energy resonates with any tension/block in your body.

Move that Energy

How would you move to unblock/release the tension? Improvise different movement patterns until you find the right one. When you’re done, turn the music off. (If there is no resistance, just skip this step.)

Sit down and pull the white light back into your body to the midpoint between your SP and heart chakras. Breathe the white point of light up into your third eye chakra and intend for it to clear any psychic debris from your third eye. Ask your higher self and your angels for insights about how to manifest your creation. Allow Spirit to inspire you.

You can use this creative joy tarot technique to clear any creative blocks and reconnect with the source of your creative joy and passion at any point along your creative journey.

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
― Rumi

Have fun!


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