Explore the impact of toxic shame and how the Tarot can aid in recovery. Empower your journey toward self-compassion and worth.
Exploring the Power of Angelic Tarot Healing: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s post, we are looking at what Angelic Tarot Healing is and how to use it in a combined Tarot reading and healing session. To do so, we first …
The Fated to Be Fit Tarot Spread
Discover how you are Fated to be Fit with this insightful Tarot spread. Uncover genetic blessings and challenges for your fitness journey. Get inspired now!
Integrative Emotional Healing Session for Yourself
Today, we look at how to do an integrative emotional healing session, using Tarot, crystals/Reiki, journaling, & essential oils
5 Powerful Ways to Heal with The Tarot
Tarot and energy healing is a great combo and there is room for innovation. Today, we look at five powerful ways to heal with the Tarot.
78 Healing Keys
Why there is no such thing as the ‘Top 10 Healing Cards’ in the Tarot.
The Tree of Life Tarot Healing Technique
Can you use the Tarot for readings about health and wellbeing? Absolutely! You can use the Tarot both for looking into what’s out of whack AND for creating remedies. Although the Tarot should never replace the advice from your medical professional, it works exceedingly well as a complimentary tool.
How to Create a Tarot Essence
Perhaps you are familiar with Bach flower remedies or other flower/crystal essences. Did you know it is entirely possible to create your own Tarot essence along the same principles? The Tarot essence harnesses the power of individual symbols and archetypes, making it easier for you to integrate this energy with mind-body-spirit.
Tarot Healing Chakra Meditation
A Tarot Healing exercise to boost your chakras, as well as your intuition, and bring you greater levels of wellbeing.
Job’s Tarot Spread – Coping with Affliction
Job’s Tarot spread was created after I lost a baby, got dumped by the baby’s father and found myself surrounded by frenemies