Crystal Interview Tarot Spread

rutilated quartz

This little 5 card Crystal Interview Tarot spread is something I came up with after being introduced to a wonderful piece of rutilated quartz. Normally, when choosing a piece I already know on some level why I feel drawn to it and it’s then quite easy to tune in and let the crystal inform me of its uses. However, this crystal was given to me out of the blue and although I instantly felt a desire to bond with it, I didn’t find it as easy to connect and get information about it as I usually do.

In other words… Tarot to the rescue!

Crystal Interview Tarot Spread
  1. The healing essence of this crystal
  2. What issue/blockage brought us together
  3. Benefits of working with this crystal
  4. Connection with angels/spirit guides
  5. Practical application/usage
Nefertari’s Tarot © Lo Scarabeo. All rights reserved.


1. The Magician – This is a stone of manifestation. Anything I can dream up, I can manifest with a little help from this crystal. It is also a stone of the intellect and of clarity in communication. It helps me choose the right words for manifesting the future of my choosing. In this, it corresponds both to the solar plexus chakra and the throat chakra.

2. 7 of Cups – This piece of rutilated quartz came into my life to dispel confusion.

3. 6 of Cups – One of the main benefits will be the ability to let go of the past completely.

4. The Page of Wands – “Seraphim” is what I get clairaudiently when looking at this card.

5. I intended to pull one card but I got two. I go with the flow when that happens. Two cards of fire. The 6 of Wands tells me I should use this crystal to boost my confidence levels and Judgement tells me I can use this stone whenever I need to apply a high degree of discernment in any situation.

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  1. Hi D, I think the reading you did is a positive indication that the citrine will be support on this cycle of transformation for your friend. Temperance also has the quality of optimism by virtue of correspondence with Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter).
    The King of Swords here feels very much like Archangel Raphael. The King of Swords helps with detachment… much needed when depressed!

    Go for it! 🙂

  2. Hello Lisa. 🙂

    I just tried your spread, and btw, I love the idea. I asked about Citrine and this is what I got.

    1. Death (transformation, big change)
    2. 2 of Wands
    3. Knight of Cups (more activity emotionally, positive one)
    4. King of Swords
    5. Temperance (when in need of balance)

    I intended giving this crystal to someone who is depressed. This seems like a good spread to me but I'm not sure. What do you think? I use the RW deck. Thank you for your help!


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