List of Yes-No Tarot Card Meanings for Love & Romance Questions

yes-no love tarot card meanings

In a post about Yes-No Love Tarot Techniques I posted not long ago, I mentioned the One Card Draw as a possibility. Some of you prefer a set list for yes-no Tarot meanings to work from, rather than delving into connecting with each card, so I put one together. Do feel free to print it out!

Go directly to the list of yes-no meanings for love and romance.

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CLICK HERE for a list of yes/no meanings for all 78 cards in all types of readings.

ManyΒ Tarot readingΒ websites offer a convenient and comprehensive platform for exploring the in-depth meanings and interpretations of Tarot cards, allowing you to gain valuable insights and guidance for love and relationship readings. Whether you’re seeking clarity about your current romantic situation or looking for advice on attracting love into your life, these websites provide a wealth of resources and interpretations to enhance your understanding of Tarot’s profound wisdom.

Here is a list of Tarot card meanings that will give you more in-depth meanings for love and relationship readings.

Check out this MASSIVE compilation of FREE love & relationship Tarot spreads!

Why Court Cards Aren’t Included

Personally, when reading for myself, I don’t include the Tarot Court Cards in my list of yes-no Tarot card meanings. If I turn a courtier over when asking a yes-no type question, I take it as a sign that I’m not meant to ask at this point in time. You can work your way around this by separating the Courtiers from the rest of the deck or by turning the next card over until you get a Major or Minor Arcana card that will answer your question.

However, you will get an extra dimension to this One-Card reading by keeping the Courtiers in. If one shows up, you could see it as a mirror of an aspect of yourself that you need to integrate or strengthen before the cards will answer your question.

List of Yes-No Tarot Card Meanings

The Major Arcana

0 The Fool – Yes! New beginnings are ahead but don’t ask for a commitment just yet.
1 The Magician – Yes. Especially, if the question was ‘Will I hear from him/her?’
2 The High Priestess – No. Some things are hidden from view at this point in time.
3 The Empress – Yes. Now is the time for sweet loving.
4 The Emperor – Yes, but it may be all on his terms… is this really what you want?
5 The Hierophant – Yes, wedding bells will chime.
6 The Lovers – Maybe. A possible soul mate connection. You need to make a choice. A need for clear communication.
7 The Chariot – No. The other person is too focused on their own goals at this point in time.
8 Strength – Yes. Especially if all you’re after is fun and frolics.
9 The Hermit – No. This is a time of isolation from others. Use this time wisely to learn from past mistakes.
10 The Wheel – Maybe. It’s all down to timing. Do you feel lucky? If so, go for it!
11 Justice – Maybe. Legal issues could prevent you from being together.
12 The Hanged Man – Yes, but only if the situation can be transformed by gaining a new perspective.
13 Death – No
14 Temperance – Yes, but you need healing first.
15 The Devil – No. Stay away as there is a risk of codependency. A need for cord-cutting.
16 The Tower – No. Acts of God are keeping you apart.
17 The Star – Yes. Your wildest dreams are about to come true!
18 The Moon – Maybe. Caution is advised. Deception or self-delusion.
19 The Sun – Yes!
29 Judgement – Maybe, but nothing will remain the same and you have to be prepared to put the past firmly where it belongs… in the past!
21 The World – Yes. Usually indicates two soul mate lovers who are finally allowed to just enjoy each other – All the lessons are done and dusted, and the karma is cleared.


Wands – Yes. For a hook-up. Says nothing about the longer-term.
Cups – Definitely… complete with rose-tinted glasses!
Swords – Yes. For hearing from someone. Says nothing about the future of the relationship.
Pentacles – Yes to sensual pleasures and exchange of gifts. Could be good longer-term too but not as strong as the Ace of Cups.


Wands – Maybe. Look closely at what it is that irritates you about the other person. They are acting as a mirror.
Cups – Yes. This love is about to be reciprocated.
Swords – Maybe, probably a platonic outcome
Pentacles – Maybe. Many factors are influencing this situation and that is why it’s still in the balance.


Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes
Swords – No
Pentacles – Yes

Bear in mind with all 3’s that a third party could be involved!


Wands – Yes. It’s likely that you will live together.
Cups – No
Swords – Maybe, probably a platonic outcome
Pentacles – No


Wands – No
Cups – No, recent past hurt makes new love impossible
Swords – No. Vitriol, aggression, envy, and hatred have the upper hand
Pentacles – No. Money troubles could be a factor


Wands – Yes
Cups – Yes. Soul mate lover alert!
Swords – Yes. A good sign that you’re over the worst of it if you’ve been going through a rough patch.
Pentacles – Maybe. Make sure that there is equality in giving and taking!


Wands – No. Too many rivals and big egos at play!
Cups – No. Confusion is a factor
Swords – No. Actually, this is the ‘Hell, no, run the other way!!’ card
Pentacles – Maybe, but it may take longer than you are prepared to wait. You need to be patient.


Wands – Yes… Unexpectedly!
Cups – No
Swords – No
Pentacles – No


Wands – No. Mistrust is an issue.
Cups – Yes! Your desires are about to manifest.
Swords – No. Fear is creating distance between you.
Pentacles – No, but happiness and self-contentment are within reach if you rely on yourself and your own resources.


Wands – No
Cups – Yes, and it will last. The emotional compatibility is excellent.
Swords – No, but at least the suffering will soon be over and you can look to the future.
Pentacles – Yes, and your grandchildren will reminisce about how happy you two were.

Lisa signature

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  1. Good afternoon. Just drew my 9 card fold of tarots and would appreciate some insight at all please. I could be pregnant, would be my 3 rd child. Have been getting negative tests. Iv been reading into all the cards I drew today and just can not make up my mind on the message! Will list order: the sun reversed, ace of wands reversed, 5 of swords upright, the world upright, the moon upright (which I do understand can mean menstrual cycle) 3 of wands reversed, 5 of swords reversed, king of cups upright ( which highly describe father) 6 of pentacles reversed.

    Hope hear back πŸ™‚ x

  2. Hello
    I got Magician card when I ask can we(me and my fiancΓ© can be ok together again ) as we had fight and lost of contact at the moment.

    It means Yes or No ?


    1. Author

      I would take it as the outcome depending your ability to reconnect and communicate properly. The future is not set in stone. This is advice for you to act on the impulse to reach out to him and make up.

      1. Hello
        What does it mean?
        How can I try to connect properly as he blocked me from everywhere
        Should I just wait or what action need to do ???

          1. Dear ,
            So we can’t get together back as I got the Magician card it means Yes?
            He keep in touch with my sis tho as he knows it’s indirectly communicating with me .
            It’s weird yes?
            So I tried to ask tarot and got magician card as I said for asking can we be ok together again.

            1. Author

              Sometimes wishful thinking overrules everything else when we read for ourselves. A one-card draw is more for a bit of fun than any real guidance.

  3. Hi ! I’m really new to this , and I did a simple 5 card yes/no spread . I got the lovers , the sun , queen of pentacles , 6 of cups , and the 3 of swords. My question was β€œare his intentions with me good/pure?” I’m getting a lot of yes , but the three of swords throws me off? Please help !!

    1. Author

      Hi Zoee, if you used a specific yes/no spread, the instructions for the spread will tell you if the answer is yes or no. If you didn’t use a specific spread designed to answer yes/no questions, I suggest you try one of those instead if you struggle with reading intuitively – can be a bit tricky when we are attached to the outcome. You will find some yes/no reading techniques here:

      As for the cards in this spread, the Queen of Pentacles could be his partner since the 3 of Swords is in the mix. Do you know for certain that he is single?

  4. Thanks for the list! Wish you had included pages and knights though!!!

  5. I asked a timing question and the ace of swords jumped out. Do cards that jump out have any other significance

  6. I often feel confused about yes/no draw. For instance, yesterday my sister asked me do to a tarot reading for her, and one of the questions was “should I leave the house where I’m living now with my lover?”. She doesn’t want to split up, just thinking about living separately, and the that came out was The Magician. Does it mean a “yes”, she should move out?? Appreciate if you could help.

    1. Author

      I would see that as a yes. The Sun, Magician and The Wheel of Fortune are all 1 vibration cards like the Aces. But you can also read more deeply for context and meaning. How does The Magician fit with where she is now? Does it indicate that she has what it takes to make it living on her own? I would think so πŸ™‚

  7. Would you use this method to ask 2 or 3 related yes/no questions by drawing 2-3 different cards in a row? Or is it best to keep it limited to one question?

    1. Author

      Hi Kez, as a ‘jumper’ I’d say it’s a heads up for you to pay particular attention to aligning your mind with your heart to best understand the advice of the reading you’re about to do. Pay attention to any discord between your mind and heart and ask Spirit to guide you so that the two line up and you can start making better choices. Blessed be! Lisa

  8. Hi Lisa, I flipped a card and asked a love question about what I can expect in the near future from a certain man. I haven’t heard from him in a while, and I had some information that I felt was important to share with him.

    I got the Six of Wands, which I feel is heading toward victory in the future.
    I pulled Judgement, Ace of Swords, and Ace of Pentacles as clarifiers.

    I felt that Judgement was coming off of a painful situation, which is my current relationship ending and also not hearing from this man. The Ace of Swords I felt was me telling him the information, cutting through the dance we’ve been doing, and Ace of Pentacles I felt meant we will reconnect soon. So an overall “victory.”

    Does this feel accurate? I am new to this! Thank you!

    1. Author

      Hi Stacy, which part of the six of wands were you seeking to clarify? Judgement is about life-changing decisions which align us with, or pull us away from, our life path/purpose. Other than that, it looks positive for whatever outcome you are hoping for, although there is a distinctive lack of Water… so the emotional depth may be lacking. Blessings, Lisa

  9. Trying to see if it was a maybe. Although I do agree that I could be too attached.

  10. I pulled 2 cards, asking whether or not I should “call” my ex back to me. I first got the Queen of Pentacles, which I interpreted as a flat out no, or possibly not right now. I pulled the 2nd clarifying card and got 2 Cups, which is a yes. What do you think? Dont call him? Or just not right now?

    1. Author

      I think that when you get a clear ‘No,’ you really shouldn’t pull a ‘clarifier’ – Which aspect of ‘No’ were you trying to clarify anyway? This whole operation proves that you are too attached to outcome to read on it for yourself. Blessings, Lisa

  11. Hello! I was asking how I was perceived by a man and drew Prince of Hearts. Is this a yes or no for any attraction? Peace and love xx

  12. Hi! I did a tarot reading for myself asking if I would meet my true love/ soul mate within the next two years. I got the six of cups, the moon (reversed), and the four of wands. How would you interpret this? I am mostly unsure of the meaning of the moon reversed in this context.

    1. Author

      Hi Ash, which yes/no technique did you use? Were there positional meanings? How do YOU read reversals? I don’t actually use reversals myself. Here is why:

      Here are some yes/no techniques for you to explore:

      It is important that you have a clear strategy of how to read the cards BEFORE you lay them out. I do appreciate that you can read intuitively as well and I do use this method myself a lot but WITHOUT reversals… and then I read the cards like a story line.

      Blessings, Lisa

      1. Hi! I do tend to read reversals and I also read intuitively. When I do a three card reading I don’t generally do Past, Present, Future, but intuitively read the story I get from the three cards together. I interpreted the 6 of cups here as a yearning for a past life soul mate to enter my life and an indication of this coming to pass in the future. The 4 of wands indicates domesticity and marriage to me and I read this as an outcome, should I meet my true love. The presence of the moon reversed between these two cards indicates to me (in this particular reading) that it is the challenge, or task I am expected to take on in order for the outcome to happen.
        My problem is that I am unsure of the message of the moon here. I was wondering how you would interpret this reading and what you believe the answer to my question “will I meet my true love within the next two years?” is, based on these cards.

          1. The moon reversed for me brings my attention to the image of the moon itself, while, when the card is upright, I focus on the path leading up to the towers. I tend to see the message there as one of conflict, being pulled in different directions, confusion and fear which one must use the intuition (the moon) to overcome. When reversed, with the focus on the moon in the sky, I would generally say that the message is simply to follow your intuition. In this particular reading for myself I felt a bit unsure of that message. Then again, that might be an indication of needing to follow my intuition!
            Basically I wanted a second opinion from someone who is an expert in Love readings and I thought of you and this site! If you got these cards in a reading for a client how would you interpret them?

          2. Author

            For starters, I would turn the Moon right side up. I don’t read with reversals and find they especially don’t work for intuitive ‘story’ type spreads. You can read more about my thoughts on reversals here:

            Secondly, I never read past 12 months. I see little point in this as the future is rather mutable and shapes itself around our thoughts and beliefs.

            Finally, when a reading doesn’t work for us (which is clearly the case here since you seem to have a grasp on card meanings), I believe it’s a message from Spirit that now is not the time to ask or that the question is not the right question.

            Blessings, Lisa

  13. Ok I’ve got an important question: I did my first question about what my love would look like a few months ago and it has said I would meet someone greater than my ex (I did that with a professional who read for me). Then I did the same reading for a while with the same answer. Then, last week, I’ve got some answers where they showed that I would be peaceful about my ex’s situation and mine and I got the six of wands upright as an answer to if I would meet someone soon (and I guess six of wands means yes). But then, by nervosity, I did it again today (one week later) and got the SAME card (six of wands) only reversed. Now, my trouble is that I’m not sure if I delayed something or only because I am emotionnal and it shows and that I will still meet that famous person, because I’ve been pretty emotionnal yesterday at a point that I am tired (on the love side) and it was still in me today, so what could it mean? πŸ™‚ Thank you so much!!

    1. Author

      Hi Claudie, it means you need to stop reading on this. I would be very wary of any professional reader who tells you that you will meet and marry a famous person. Sounds a bit like the modern version of the charlatan ‘a tall, handsome, dark stranger will come knocking on your door’… Just leave it for a good couple of months and focus on feeling happy in your own skin. The best way to attract a person of quality and who actually has the ability to reciprocate in love is to BECOME that person… to be someone happy, not needy, who is looking to perhaps share their happiness with someone. Blessings, Lisa

      1. Thank you! I did read a bit too much into this but the lady i asked to didn’t say i would marry someone and did read a lot of things in the cards (that i knew of) that represented and said true thing so i do believe what she said is true :)! She said i would meet someone new at school or at work but to take my time, not rush into things like I did before (i was impressed by her when she says that) and to take some time for myself to feel better about myself :3 but do you think it would still mean the same thing as last week? ^^

        1. Author

          There really is no point in speculating. A week between readings is way too soon for the same question. Just give it a rest for now.

  14. Hi, I have been asking (maybe more than I should) about reconciliation. Ace of cups always features, in one Celtic cross I got

    9 wands crossed by 10 cups, 2 cups, 7 coins, 6 cups, 2 coins, 6 coins, 2 wands, 9 cups and 4 wands as outcome.

    More recently

    Queen cups (where relationship is now)
    Ace cups(influences)
    Star(where the relationship is heading)
    Ace swords (how my partner sees me)
    2 cups (how I see him)

    I feel like I am disillusioned because I seem to pull all of the happy joyful cards but it hasn’t seemed to pass. I am stopping asking because I noticed that the majority of my cards are lovely and full of the cards that would indicate reconciliation, but from time to time when I am anxious I will pull darker cards… So I want to leave time to do its thing I just wondered if anyone else has seen reoccurring cards with such persistence? Particularly with cups? I have also had the lovers and 2 cups, hiephronate and the world frequently appear but ace cups is stalking me

    1. Author

      Hi Hayley, Sorry for the late reply. Your question was hiding in the moderation queue for some unknown reason. If the Ace of Cups is stalking you, it’s a strong message about focusing on loving YOURSELF. Please stop reading on this. The cards stopped making sense with the second reading you did and every time you keep reading on it, you will feel less and less like you know where things are going because deep down you know you can’t trust the cards when you keep reading on the same question. Blessings, Lisa

      1. Ahhh that makes so much more sense!! I have actually let go and thrown it out to the universe so to speak. I have had professional readings and done my own, the majority point towards reconciliation but in my emotional state I asked too many times and now have conflicting readings, so I am right back at square 1 with all of the readings now seeming pointless, some say yes he will be back, others are a bit more doom and gloom! I had defiantly lost sight of myself and prolonged suffering by waiting and not moving on with life, your advice on the ace of cups makes much more sense

  15. Hi! We’re after a breakup since a few months (were together a few years) and I asked will we be in a marriage and draw 4 swords. And I asked will we be together (not necessarily a marriage) and then I draw the Devil. It seems strange for me as it tells me that maybe we will be in a marriage but we will not be together. What do you think about it?

  16. Hi Lisa,

    After an on again off again relationship/friendship whatever you wish to call it..I asked (will he contact me), after 1 month of zero contact. I pulled knight of cups followed by 8 of wands. I believe the knight of cups represents him (scorpio) he’s going to pop up unexpectedly with some form of communication or offer. I pulled these cards 3 weeks ago..I thought 8 of wands was a fast action card when it came to timing? Am I interrupting the cards right?

    1. Author

      Hi Brit, Unless you asked specifically ‘When?’ the 8 of Wands could also indicate the quality of his communication, such as a ‘quick note.’ Timing is tricky with the Tarot. You need to decide on a system that works for you and stick to it. Blessings, Lisa

      1. Thought I’d give you an update. Last week we FINALLY made contact. I was the one to initiate it. I was extremely stubborn about contacting him first but my gut told me to break the ice. Before I contacted him I asked the cards if I should, I pulled 2 of swords & 8 of wands. I had to make a decision. I’m happy with my choice

        Hope you’re having a blessed day!

        1. Hey my situation sounds similar, on/off, no contact, then I initiated contact and after an initial Luke warm response we did actually meet up twice. Unfortunately there has been little progress since and I was the one always initiating, I have backed off for now as he is due to go travelling for 3 weeks (supposedly alone) it will be the first time he has done anything like that, a bad experience earlier this year prompted him doing the dream trips and sorting out his life. I have had nothing but confusion from cards… I constantly pull happy cards that show reconciliation…. 4 wands, 6 wands, ace 2,9,10 cups, lovers…. I have had them all!!!! But still no progress. In my desperation the cards started to turn against me and I started pulling the tower and the 5’s. It’s my fault I asked too many times the same question so I m utterly confused and staying away from asking, hoping that given time my nice happy initial readings will come to fruition. Sorry for babbling!!! Please keep posting about progress, I cannot seem to get this guy from under my skin

          1. Author

            Hayley, anything other than the exact result from the first time you asked about this must be discounted as the cards messing with you… UNLESS you waited a good 2-3 months between readings and/or some major changes took place. Blessings, Lisa

          2. Thanks for the reassurance, it’s my fault! I abused the system…. Great advice, I had started to worry about the recent negative cards. Staying well away from readings and working on myself for now! Sometimes letting go is the best way to get back

          3. Hey Hayley,

            I know exactly how you feel! The beginning of this year was a disaster for me, nothing but an emotional roller coaster. You have to stay strong. I’d say try to give your tarot cards a break for awhile. During this time focus on yourself and if it’s meant to be everything will fall into place πŸ™‚ make sure u keep me updated as well. I hope everything works out for both of us!

  17. Hi, I asked if I will be in a relationship in 2016. And the outcome card is 10 of pentacles. According to your interpretation it’s a yes πŸ™‚ can you confirm?

    Which really makes me happy as the couple of years have been horrible in my emotional life. Looks like things can also change for the better!
    Thanks for sharing your gift with us

    1. Author

      That is a big question to leave to a yes/no one card draw! A better question is ‘How can I manifest a mutually beneficial, reciprocal love relationship?’ Nothing is set in stone. Please don’t put too much stock in these types of readings and learn to use the Tarot in more empowering ways. Blessings, Lisa

  18. I asked if “i was gonna be in a relationship with this person” and received the world card but found out this person currently is in a relationship can you clarify

    1. Author

      Find out BEFORE you do a reading next time. The World is Saturn. It could be a karmic ‘No’ from the Universe.

  19. hey Lisa, I pull a card for this question : “does he have intensions for a romantic relationship with me?” and I got Two of Wands, can you please tell me what does it means? Thanks

  20. I asked if I wild hear back from someone I reached out to, and got The Star but reversed. I’m still trying to come to terms with what reversals really mean to me, so I’m not sure how to read this. Does the reversal negate the amazing positivity of the star?

    1. Author

      Hi Jess, There is no point in reading with reversals until you have decided what they mean to you. I recommend Mary K Greer’s book on reversals if you really feel the need to even use them. I don’t. Also, this is the type of question one is usually too attached to the outcome to be able to read on for oneself. It is likely that is the real reason you got a reversed card.

  21. Hey Lisa,
    I recently asked the cards whether I already knew the person that I was going to marry. Initially, I pulled the Magician. I was slightly confused and asked the question again. This time I pulled the Seven of Pentacles.
    A part of me figured that perhaps the wording of the question was abit off, because the personalities of individuals can change over time and therefore, you may not KNOW someone until they have matured etc. So, I changed the question to ‘have I already MET the person that I am going to marry?’ This time I pulled Wheel of Fortune.
    Now, I’m not necessarily confused by the three cards because I think they all suggest the same thing and that is ‘maybe’… However, things need to change for me (the magician) and the other person first before marriage is possibility – hence the ‘wait and see’ element of the Seven of Pents and ‘change in circumstances’ element of the Wheel of Fortune.

    What do you think? Is that question generally a dreadful one to answer? Lol

    1. Author

      I’m not sure you felt confused as The Magician is a ‘yes’…? It’s not a bad question to ask of the cards… but any time you keep asking and deciding to do a ‘best out of three’ because you don’t like the first answer, it’s a sign that you are not detached enough from the outcome to read on this for yourself. Blessings

  22. Hi lisa. Just done a cletic reading with the question whats to come for me over next two weeks for me regarding x. First card 6 cups. Futre 2 cups which is good but i got 8 cups as outcome. I dont really get what the 8 is saying or the 3 as a whole really.

  23. Hi asked if I should contact ex and got ace of cups so pulled the fool as clarifying card. Both yes cards about beginnings? Wondering if he will respond?

    1. Author

      It’s irrelevant if he responds or not. Either way you will have your answer and won’t have to live with the ‘what ifs’ The only thing that matters is having the courage to follow your heart.

      1. Thank you. Instead I ran into him. Had a feeling because I pulled the high priestess and just happened a month before at another location when I pulled the high priestess. How is the high priestess revelant to chance? Only know her as intuition?

        1. Author

          The HP is not really relevant to ‘chance’ but it does mean that it is be better to be receptive than to take action.

          1. Thank you! Very interesting. She has come up a lot since the breakup. Wondering what I’m missing from her message? Any ideas?

            1. Author

              It very much depends on the question/s you have been asking and how you have acted (or not) on the guidance… Have you been asking the same question over and over again? She could just be a message about trusting the intuitive message you have been getting instead of doubting it.

  24. Hi, My name is Dimitris, I did cards about a woman and i got a few Queens. When i asked the Question about the Queen of Cups if she was the woman that the cards referred to the answer i got was 8 of Wands. Then i read on your list that the 8 of Wands is a YES answer with the word Unexpectedly next to it! I mean if its a YES its a YES right?? So….?

    1. Author

      You will hear from her. Now that you have had the answer, of course, you WILL expect it… but it will still happen unexpectly, as in ‘when you least expect it’ πŸ™‚

      1. Hi Lisa, Thank you for your reply. Well i do communicate from time to time with this lady but with very short emails. The cards showed me that at some stage she will communicate with me in a much more intimate and personal way. there was a four of swords there which indicates waiting time anyway.So when i asked when this will happen the 8 of wands came up!! So this in a way makes sense because personaly i dont really expect it even now! But then again it’s good to leave things up to time and the universe to bring them when it would be the right time i guess!! Thank you.

  25. Hi Lisa,
    First i asked the cards if he will ever love me. Cards said no. Then i asked if we will get married one day, and they said yes. Should i pick another card? Or what should i do? Thanks


    1. Author

      If a man loves you, you’ll know. If the cards said no, it’s likely to be true… if that’s the case, they don’t take kindly to the follow-up questions which doesn’t make sense if he doesn’t love you. Knowing how to ask respectfully and thoughtfully is paramount. If you take the piss, the cards take the piss right back.

  26. I asked if someone will cibtact me this month i drew the 3 of cups. I know this is a yes card but is it a card of communication ?

  27. Lisa,

    I wanted to ask if your yes/no interpretations are not altered for reversed cards?

    Thank you! πŸ™‚

    1. Author

      Hi there, it depends on if you read with reversals or not. Personally, I don’t. But if you do then yes… Some people even use reversals for ‘no’ and upright cards for ‘yes.’ It’s all about find a system that works for YOU and then sticking to it. All the best!

  28. I did past, present and future. My wuestion was what does life hold for me?. Got Lovers, Hierophant and Emperor. Translation please?

    1. Author

      Hi Nick, that is a very big question… Essentially, I would recommend asking ‘how can I make the most of life?’ rather than ‘what does life hold for me?’ – Life holds what we put into it… Also, please add your own interpretation with the question/reading as this is not a free reading service. I’m happy to help with any bit you get stuck on! Blessings and Happy New Year!

  29. Hi i would like some help on this pls. I did a 3 card past present future and my question was will i hear from her this month. I had the 10 of cups the sun and the ace of swords. Could i please have your opinion on this thanks

    1. Author

      It’s a yes… provided this is the first time you’ve read on the question (or any variant of it).

  30. Hi I did a spread asking if it will work. I dont see anything about kings and queens, plus i drew 4 reversed. Im trying to figure out if this relationship is worth trying to fix or throw in the towel. What I’ve researched about the cards so far have been spot on about how both of us are feeling and with judgement as the outcome, that the relationship has been close to ending but may revive at the last minute. Can I get some insight into what my reading means? The woman who did my reading was an amateur and it is all unclear. I want this relationship to work but I don’t want to continue wasting my time if it is actually doomed.
    What I drew was-
    My hopes: hierophant (reversed)
    My fears: queen of pentacles
    His hopes: king of wands
    His fears: 10 of pentacles (reversed)
    Strength: the lovers (reversed)
    Weakness: the emperor (reversed)
    Outcome: judgement

    1. Author

      What spread did you use? I’m happy to help with the odd card you’re stuck on but you’ll have to interpret the spread yourself. I simply don’t have enough hours in the day.

        1. Author

          No. What does matter is if you have asked this question more than once within a short space of time.

          1. Not that particular question No. I know the cards get confused. I did a one card yes or no which i feel can be a bit unreliable. But i had the ace of cups for the same question. Left it two days had the ace of cups again.

  31. Hi done a past present future reading asking if my ex would contact me this November. My cards were king of cups knight of cups and 6 of cups. I’m learning atm any advice would be great

  32. Hi!!! I asked if he is gonna come back … Got the queen of cups. We were an instant match and a quite fast/strong relationship. All of a sudden he said he never fell but he always made me feel very loved.

  33. Had a reading. Cards were read on man I still love but is currently with someone else. Tower card came up. Reader said the union will end.

    1. Author

      It’s against my reader’s ethics to read on prospects with someone who is in a committed relationship with someone else.

  34. I’m glad I came across this site, very informative. I would like to ask a question idk if you can help me but here it goes…I’ve been working with this guy for a while, we always talk as coworkers and tell each other about our day, we chit chat etc. He happened to invite me to the movies this weekend and we had a good time. I am a beginner with the tarot. I did a reading and the question I asked was if this guy is interested in me/does he like me? I got 10 of pentacles, the devil, 6 of cups, queen of swords, queen of wands, queen of cups. I have been trying all day to interpret this and I cant. I am fairly new at this. Can anyone help? Thank you πŸ™‚

  35. Hey! I have a question. I asked if I should get over him or not. However, I have a mix feeling about the cards. The lovers, the hanging man and the world appear to me. I just, I don’t know. I feel like I shouldn’t get over him. I feel like the universe is telling me to wait. Because, I feel like, if I really should get over him, cards like The Tower, Devil or so would appear.
    Bu the way, I have a crush on this guy, and I’m still recovering from a breakup. But I don’t know, there’s something about him…
    If I feel like the universe is telling me not to, is it really?

    1. If you feel the Universe is telling you to wait, then wait. There is no rush… YOu’re still getting over a breakup. Blessings

  36. I do angel readings on a website for people and my friend does tarot readings for people. I had asked him to draw a card for this situation. I’m very interested in someone for a love interest. A friend of mine who also knows this man stopped talking to me (another woman). He asked his cards if she was jealous of me and got the empress (reversed). Is this a yes answer? πŸ™‚

    1. There is no set way of reading yes/no questions so unless you have defined if reversals are yes or no… and if the Empress is yes or now… there is no way of telling. So you should ask your friend how he interprets the Empress reversed. Personally, I do not read with reversals. The Empress can be jealous but does a reversal negate or amplify this trait? If your friend knows what he is doing, he will know how to answer this question.

  37. Oh dear. Did a reading on how a guy I’ve been struggling against feels about me, now that we’ve had our most serious fight then cooled down from it. This is one of those red hot, always fighting, passionate ones. He’s Italian, so am I, we can’t live with each other, can’t live without each other. This was the fight to end all fights and all relationships!

    It’s been 3 weeks of no contact, so I asked a yes/no question (“Is he in love with me?”) and used The Celtic Cross. The layout answered: the Eight of Wands crossed by the Nine of Cups. Foundation was the Wheel, what could be next was The Emperor. Leaving was the Three of Coins. Near future, Two of Cups. Card 7, “him”, Page of Coins. Card 8, his environment and possibly me, The Empress. Hopes and fears, Ten of Swords. Outcome: Hierophant.

    My interp of this is he has realized I’m “the one” – a thing he has been resisting since we first met – and wants to focus more on love than what he wanted to focus on previously: a creative project brought us together and he wanted me to be Platonic Petunia because of it. Looks to me he’s finally caught up with my opinion creativity can come later and he and I are destined so “stop fighting it, dingbat!” I don’t want to imagine things, but: The Empress AND The Emperor, same reading? Wheel of Fortune (fate and destiny) as the foundation? Two of Cups, near future? Ending with The Hierophant???

    I guess I should I invite you guys to the wedding… :/

    1. No, not necessarily. The CC is not a great spread to use for this type of reading… also, I would advice against doing this type of reading when you are emotionally attached to the outcome as well as reading on the same situation more than once. This really is a classic case when getting a professional reading would be a GREAT idea.

  38. Dear Lisa
    Can you help me by reading the spread given below
    reveal me the person who will share my love and life in the days to come.
    Love & Me — King of cups
    Situation — The emperor
    Challenges –.Ace of coins
    Recent Past –.Nine of cups
    Near Future — Eight of swords
    The Loved One — Four of wands
    Love Advice — King of coins
    Long-term Potential — Ace of wands
    No reverse cards.
    I am from India and I had a online relationship with a girl from US, she wanted me to come to US so that we can start a family. She is divorced and has a daughter, I am never married and I love her to the core, but since the September of 2014 she is changed and I came to understand through tarot reading that she has met her old college friend and is involved with him.
    In spite of numerous messages she seems to ignore me. But I have decided to travel to US and prove my love to her.
    In order to know if she will be my future life partner I took this spread.
    I will be thankful if you can give me a good advice on the above cards.
    Thanking you.

  39. Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but
    after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear.

    Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just
    wanted to say excellent blog!

  40. Hi Lisa. Thanks so much for your reply. I have been really down and confused about a relationship and trying to seek answers for a sense of peace. I think right now, It’s best I let things go. Before hurting myself and those around me. For regardless of Wat the cards say…I dun think I am in an emotional state to deal with the situation. Thx again for your kind words Lisa. Much blessings to you.

  41. Hi Lisa. I love your website. It’s very informative πŸ™‚ however, I am a newbie and I was wondering if you can shed some light on a confusion I have. If I ask a question like – is the relationship over between us? – then pick the DEATH card. Do I read it as no or yes? Similarly if I ask – is he avoiding me – and pull 7 SWORDS – is it a no or yes? Thx so much πŸ˜‰

    1. Death for if it is over and you only pull one card to answer would be ‘no’ – HOWEVER, I don’t suggest pulling just one card for that. You did in fact pull another… yes? The 7 of Swords. Again, I believe you are looking for more indepth answers than you are getting from a one card draw. That would be a no. Your intuition is not agreeing. Why not try a full spread or get a professional Tarot reading instead?

  42. Dear Lisa, i tried to use the Yes / No, my question was : ” did he miss me …. “- so …. after a while, i got Heirophant as the answer, is that enough as the very answer? or it doesn’t matter if its reversed or up right? Thanks for sharing & look forward for your advice ~ Thankyou πŸ™‚

    1. I don’t use reversals so it wouldn’t matter to me. However, if you normally read with reversals and it came out reversed then yes… it would matter.

      1. Ah, yes sorry. I was so concentrated in other cards meanings that I missed the beggining of the post. After I post my question I saw that you metioned them…. hmh. Sorry πŸ™‚

  43. This works perfectly! I pulled out a reversed Knight of cups in asking if he loves me? Then if he loved me and got the Moon. I took the courts out and as I was shuffling before I even finished asking mentally the question, this card turned over. Temperance.

    1. Lisa, your resources never cease to amaze me! Love your websites and appreciate all the work you put into them. Thank you ever so much.

  44. Hi Lisa
    This is a great post as usual. It worked for me. I asked if he really loves me and I got Six of Swords and we have actually been on rough terms in last 3-4 weeks. Then I asked if there was a chance for a long-term together and I got Page of Wands, and Hierophant. I agree that he has lots of Aries in him and my Page qualities are very important & attractive to him (he’s Sun,Moon,Venus,Mercury in Aries). Great help really.

    However I shared the link on a forum and a fellow member asked what if the card is reversed? will this mean a NO or just the yes/No of that card is weakened. I don’t use reversals but I guess other people do.

    Your thoughts on this are awaited. Thank you yet again. Lots of Blessings

    1. Thanks for sharing STD, glad you found this post helpful in interpreting your own one card draws. For this method, I do *not* use reversals. However, I list yes-no techniques that do use reversals in the post linked right at the top of this article – here is the link again:

      This list is based on how I connect with the cards through the Reading the Gap technique:

      When I started connecting energetically with the cards in the way I describe there, I found reading with reversals superfluous.

      Hope this helps,

      Love & Blessings,


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