The Four Chambers of the Heart Tarot Spread

sweetie love heart in a basket

Today I thought we would experiment with the cards to see what they can teach us about our ability to give and receive love. But also (and more importantly) how we can improve both. In order to do this, I created a four-card heart health check-up spread, titled The Four Chambers of the Heart Tarot Spread.

the four chambers of the heart tarot spread

The Four Chambers of the Heart Tarot Spread

I came up with this tarot spread when I randomly chose the four cards you see below from the Röhrig Tarot. You can scroll down for my sample reading with them.

I realised that the top left-hand card represents how I give (my output) to others at this point in time. The top right-hand card shows me how I prefer to receive love.

The lower left-hand card shows me how I can improve the output and the lower right-hand card gives me a clue about improving the input/how I receive love.

Heart Check-Up, Rohrig Tarot

Four Chambers of the Heart Sample Reading

The Knight of Swords shows me that my heart is analysing itself and how it loves intellectually. That is kind of funny since this is exactly what I’m doing with creating this spread. I am perhaps too quick to pass judgement on others and make decisions to love only those who I deem ‘worthy’ of my love. This shows me that I may risk being short on compassion both for myself and others at the moment. There are a lot of words and labels for everything concerning love.

The remedy is prescribed by none other than the Major Arcana card The Lovers. This remedy helps me channel the intellectual and analytical approach of the Knight of Swords into constantly making loving choices. I can’t turn my brain off. However, I can use my mind in awareness of the fact that I can always choose love and loving-kindness.

Passion, Please!

The Queen of Wands tells me that I want love to be passionate. I can’t do lukewarm. I can’t do half-measures. It’s all or nothing in love with this queen. This makes perfect sense to me.

And how do I improve the input? Do I need to be more understanding of the fact that not everyone is as passionate as I am? Nah. The fiery Leo energies of the 6 of Wands indicate that it is OK to surround myself with more of the same. It also shows me that this passion can be sourced from lots of different places, not just romantic love. The 6s are tied in with society and the Wands with career/life purpose. I can get more of this kind of love if I seek out creative, artistic and passionate people in my community.

Enjoy using this spread for checking up on your own ‘heart health’!


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