Explore the Ophiuchus Tarot correspondences, linking the 13th zodiac sign to the Major Arcana, spiritual growth, and profound healing.
The 7 Hermetic Principles in the Tarot
Explore the correlation between the 7 Hermetic Principles and Tarot’s Major Arcana. Includes Tarot journaling prompts for personal insights.
Exploring the Power of Angelic Tarot Healing: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s post, we are looking at what Angelic Tarot Healing is and how to use it in a combined Tarot reading and healing session. To do so, we first …
Majors Only Love Tarot Readings
Unlock the mystical wisdom of Majors Only Love Tarot Readings. Explore card meanings and beginner-friendly tarot spreads.
Strength Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for Strength. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and invocation.
Angelic Tarot Crystal Correspondences for the Major Arcana
Angelic Tarot Crystal Correspondences for each of the 22 cards in the Tarot Major Arcana. Includes Archangelic Prayer Affirmations.
Angel of Temperance Angelic Tarot Activation
Angelic Tarot transmission and activation of the Temperance Tarot card. Channelled message from the Angel of Temperance.
12 Houses Zodiac Tarot Spread for Spiritual Guidance
A variation on the traditional 12 Houses Zodiac Tarot Spread. Gain spiritual guidance for every area of your life in the year ahead.
Angelic Tarot Activations of the 22 Major Arcana Cards
Angelic Tarot Activations of the 22 Major Arcana cards for embodying Christ Consciousness. Channelled Angelic transmissions for each card.
The Black Cat
Holistic Tarot card meanings and correspondences for the Frideborg Tarot extra Major Arcana card, The Black Cat.