why did i have my heart broken again tarot spread

‘Why Did I Have My Heart Broken Again?’ Tarot Spread

why did i have my heart broken again tarot spread

In today’s post, I share the ‘Why Did I Have My Heart Broken Again?’ Tarot Spread. One of the most common questions I get as a love and relationship Tarot reader after a break-up is “Why did this have to happen?” This is a question born from the pain of a heart that is tired of breaking.

The question prompts me to look for a repetitive pattern with the client (there usually is), so I pull a card or two for the underlying reason. I also want to know if there is a karmic/higher reason for this particular relationship lesson (separate card).

Then I look at the best way to move on and to heal the heart. Not everyone needs to grieve in a mountain cave for a year before they can have a happy healthy date with someone new! That said, there is no way around the pain… we all have to move through it.

No Quick Fixes

“What’s in store?” is the next thing someone who has their heart broken usually wants to know. The pain is often caused by the massive vacuum created by the other person taking their love away. Rather than looking to fill this vacuum with self-love (which is entirely possible and a very healthy approach), many people look for a quick fix and a replacement for the love they’ve lost.

There is no judgment coming from me about the latter, by the way. There is some truth to the saying, “Sometimes you have to get under someone new to get over someone old.” Although perhaps not ideal, we live in a world with very few absolutes and with a huge need to compromise to just survive at times. The main problem with getting under someone new before we’re over someone old is that it can make things messier and draw out the healing process.

I do not underestimate the emotional pain a break-up can cause. Nor do I scoff at a person’s need to know what might be the next step on the path to relationship happiness. Sometimes we just need a bit of good news to help us take that next wobbly step on a path strewn with break-up debris. Occasionally gazing at the bright star further along makes it easier to get on with the sweeping.

‘Why Did I Have My Hear Broke Again?’ Tarot Spread

So here’s my Post Break-Up Mini Spread. For a more in-depth reading, you might like to try the ‘Help, I’m Single Again Tarot Spread.’

why did i have my heart broken again break-up tarot spread

1. Underlying reason
2. Karmic/higher reason
3. Worst approach to healing/moving on
4. Best approach to healing/moving on
5. What’s next on the path to True Love (Tarot)
6. What’s next on the path to True Love (here I like to pull a card from the Romance Angels Oracle but you can pull a card from your Tarot or Oracle deck of choice)

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

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  1. It takes time… and sometimes it happens just like that… like great big rusty chains just falling off us. I love healing miracles and I pray that we may all experience them. Our true nature is to be free. We are the love that we seek.

  2. Yes, that’s not bad at all Trish… although I’m sorry you’re having to do this spread at all. Focus on heart healing (Knight of Cups) and find creative ways of expressing your emotions… (poetry and art). The Sun is fab! *big hugs*

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Sorry that you had to create this spread. 🙁
      I am seeing someone else now, but I still have some healing to do. Takes time.

  3. I did this today and got The Devil / King of Cups / The Magician / Knave of Cups / The Sun (yay!) and then I drew Whale (soul’s path) from Power Animals Oracle cards. Quite nice (At least the future – lol)

  4. i havent been able to date seriously in 2 yrs since my heart was broken and i was devestated.
    My favorite saying is i guess love just is not in the cards for me.
    I enjoyed reading your blog.

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed reading. Sorry you had to go through that. I hope you find a way of moving forward. In the end, happiness is a choice – even after a really bad break-up. And that isn’t just cliché with me. I had to make that choice when my partner left a week and a half after I miscarried our baby at 15 weeks. I could have chosen not to fight, not to love myself, not to look after myself… I decided that life was too precious a gift to waste just because some a**hole decided to treat me like cr*p. It hurt like hell but the burning sensation of the hurt subsided after a few months. I went to the gym, got myself physically stronger… Sometimes we have to do it from the outside in. May you make many happy, self-loving choices today! Blessings, Lisa

  5. I am really enjoying receiving your e mails at some point will be getting stuck in and trying theses spreads thanks for enlightenment syl x

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