Three Pisces Full Moon Magick Rituals

pisces super full moon spiritual gifts

The Full Moon in Pisces is likely to make you extra sensitive, especially if you have a lot of Water in your natal chart. Should you choose to make it so, it can be a powerful time for emotional release and also for magick. With this in mind, I have created three Pisces Full Moon magick rituals. Choose the one you feel most drawn to or do a reading to decide!

Yes, the Pisces Full Moon is begging for magick to be worked! Emotions are the best (the only) fuel for effective spellcasting. Let’s get practical about harnessing this energy. Because, let’s face it, the Virgo Sun would just tut at us otherwise.

3 Pisces Full Moon Magick Rituals

Self-dedication Pisces Full Moon Ritual

self-dedication to the craft

Magickal self-dedication to a particular Path or Deity – You know that you are being called because your dreams have been filled with visions and synchronicity has been pointing the Path out for you over the past few days, weeks or even months.

For instance, you may have been feeling a pull toward a Kemetic Path and every time you turn on the TV, there is something about Egypt on… Or you log on to Amazon, only to find that you are being recommended a book about the reign of Hatshepsut even though you haven’t searched for books about Egypt.

Well… What are you waiting for? Now is the time to call on the blessing by the Powers that BE for that Path.

How: On the night of the Full Moon, prepare a bath with frankincense essential oil to cleanse your energy field and raise your vibration. Gather together the items that symbolise your chosen Path or Deity on your altar and cast the circle. Perform the ritual you prepared beforehand.

Begin researching this now, so that it will be a ritual worthy of stepping onto this New Path. What your ritual will look like, depends entirely on which Path you are being called to walk down, so I cannot include specifics here. You must do the legwork on that!

Connect with Your Guides Pisces Full Moon Magick Ritual

Connect with your guardian angel or spirit guide – As the veil is thinner, now is the perfect time to make contact!

You may not feel ready to dedicate yourself to a particular Path, Deity or Pantheon but you know that you could do with more day-to-day spiritual comfort and guidance in your life. That’s great because your angels have been waiting for you to desire a real connection with lots of dialogue!

pisces full moon magick angel ritual

How: Feel free to use this guide that I prepared earlier for connecting with your Guardian Angel. It can be adjusted to use for connecting with a Spirit Guide instead if you prefer.

You can also use these same simple steps to connect with the Angels of Pisces, Sachiel and Sandalphon, to see if they have any messages for you. You may wish to ask specifically about how to develop your spiritual gifts for the highest good of All.

Crystals that will help amplify spirit communication are clear quartz, kyanite, turquoise and selenite.

Perform a Pisces Full Moon Magick Healing Ritual

healing ritual

Perform a healing ritual – Whether you have some actual ailment or just feel the need to let go of a bad habit/addiction, NOW is the perfect time to do so! The Pisces Moon and Virgo Sun form a perfect healing duo, especially if you are willing to release negative habits.

Amethyst is a powerful healer if you want to break free from addiction/negative habits. It can also help you integrate past lessons, if you feel emotional imbalance is the root cause of any physical dis-ease. Amethyst just happens to be one of the main Pisces crystals and will help you attune to Archangel Sachiel in particular.

The natural element to include in a healing ritual during a Pisces Super Full Moon is of course Water. Try charging your bath water with healing energy by adding the corresponding herbs or essential oils to bring your emotions and body into harmony (again, this is specific to your condition, so I can’t give recommendations).

Crystal Healing

You can also add crystals to the water and last but not least you add your own energy and magick by channelling healing energy into the tub. You can either do it by holding your hands over the water and visualising the healing energy flowing through your crown and feet, out through your hands and into the bath water. OR you can say a blessing over a handful of sea salt and sprinkle the healing energy into the water that way.

After the ritual healing bath, I recommend calling on the assistance of the Angel of Music and Prayer, Sandalphon, who is also the Angel of Pisces. Allow your inner guidance to flow and put on some music which you feel serves to raise your vibration then begin moving in time with the music. If you like you can visualise the angels dancing around you – which they will quite happily do if you invite them! (Don’t worry if you are immobilised by a physical condition move that part of the body that you can move for now.)


Complete the ritual by sitting down and ground your energy with a few deep breaths. Write down any impressions in your journal (this is important so please don’t skip this step). You can count on a powerful shift of energy after this. Just continue to stay open to synchronicity and remember that your angels want you to be happy and well. As long as you stay alert, they will keep giving you signs about the most healthful way of moving in the world for you. We are all unique individuals and the angels are the first to recognise that no one size fits all…

The most important aspect of this healing ritual is to allow your own intuition to guide you. Whether you consider yourself to be intuitive or not, all human beings are and this weekend is your chance to experience it first hand. So regardless if you feel one of these rituals calling you or not, open up to synchronicity over the next week or so. It will increase and important messages will come your way.

Lunar Blessings! )O(


Comments 8

    1. Post
  1. My healing ritual today is for the healing of the waters of the lake we are moving to. Toxins are present at Clear Lake, California due to quicksilver mining in the past. We now live at Lake Tahoe, with beautiful, clear, blue waters. We plan on taking some Tahoe water with us. Today I will perform an energy ritual to help heal any poisons still present.

    Thank you Lisa for your wonderful articles!

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  2. Great article… I’m going with the healing ritual as well. Love all your articles… Thanks for sharing so much of your knowledge 🙂

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  3. Wonderful article 🙂 I am pisces. My tarot card is the moon and i have moon in pisces on my birth chart! I feel strangely calm with this moon! 🙂 I intend on doing a healing ritual. There have been many synchronicities this week. More so than usual!! 🙂

    1. Post

      Thanks for commenting, kindred Moon Signs. I also feel quite too with this lunation and I intend to do the healing ritual too… with the flower essences I took home with me from my course yesterday added to the bath 🙂 Blessed be!

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