Red Chestnut

Red Chestnut Bach Flowers Oracle

Red Chestnut is the Bach Flower Remedy for those who constantly worry about the well-being of their loved ones. While the concerns may be genuine, they have taken over the life of the person who simply can’t stop feeling anxious about what might happen to those they care for.

It could be a mother who constantly worries about her child’s well-being at school for instance. Or it could the child who is obsessing about the well-being of a parent in a nursing home.

Soothing Crystals

A crystal remedy that might be useful is to find a worry stone that reminds you of the person you feel anxious about. Choose a gemstone that you feel represents their personality. Every time you start fretting about their wellbeing, gently squeeze the stone and send them love – then leave all your worries to the angels.

Crystals that increase trust in general, such as blue lace agate and amber, may also be useful when anxiety sets in. Amazonite may also help if weak personal boundaries lie at the core of the problem.

You may also wish to use the Bible verse below as a reminder that each one of those you care for is under the protection of our loving Creator:

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Matthew 10:29-31

Red Chestnut Tarot Correspondence

In the Tarot, I have paired this Bach Flower Essence with the King of Cups (Fire of Water).

The King of Cups is naturally sensitive, caring and empathic, which makes it easy for him/her to fall prey to worrying thoughts about the ones he or she cares about. When those worries are resolved, the King of Cups becomes that shoulder we could all do with to lean on when times are tough. He is the consummate counsellor and carer.

Astrologically, the King of Cups corresponds with boundless Pisces. Red Chestnut can help him strengthen personal boundaries so that he knows where he ends and the other person begins.


Deck used: Bach Flower Inspirational Cards

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