Explore the Pisces energy cards in the Tarot. Dive deep into the mysterious nature of Pisces with The Moon, 8-10 of Cups and the King of Cups
King of Cups Angelic Tarot Card Meanings
Angelic Tarot Card meanings and correspondences for the King of Cups. Includes in-depth relationship meanings, affirmation, and prayer.
How to Have Emotional Integrity Like the King of Cups
Learn how to have emotional integrity like the Tarot King of Cups and ‘the good person who offers goodness from the treasure of his heart’ (Gospel of Thomas).
The Cup Bearers and The Age of the Holy Spirit
Learn about the four types of Cupbearers in the Tarot that are on Earth now to usher in the Age of the Holy Spirit.
Red Chestnut
Red Chestnut is the Bach Flower Remedy for those who constantly worry about the wellbeing of our loved ones. While the concerns may be genuine (i.e. not imagined), they have taken over the life of the person who simply can’t stop feeling anxious about what might happen to those they care for.