golden botticelli tarot deck review and interview

Golden Botticelli Tarot Review and Deck Interview

golden botticelli tarot review and deck interview

The Golden Botticelli Tarot is one more deck I have reacquired after getting rid of all of my Tarot decks last year, during my spiritual crisis. And I’m so glad to have it with me again. I have a renewed love for religious imagery in this deck and the Ace of Cups (above) is one of my favourite images out of this deck for obvious reasons.

Another favourite is the 10 of Swords which shows Mary Magdalene anointing the feet of Jesus. That said, this is not a purely Christian Tarot deck. In true Renaissance fashion, there is a mix between Christian and Pagan. For instance, The World has an image of Venus/Aphrodite rising on a sea shell from the ocean.

To be honest, this deck makes me wish I knew about both art and history. As things stand, 90% of my admiration of this deck comes from simply enjoying the imagery for what it is – and it is stunningly beautiful. Watch the video below and you will see what I mean. (PS. I think I mention that there are card titles in four languages in the video. That’s incorrect – it’s SIX languages)

Golden Botticelli Tarot Video Flip-through

Golden Botticelli Tarot Deck Interview

golden botticelli tarot deck interview

1. Describe yourself in three words or less. 4 of Wands

GBT: Celebration of opposites

2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less? Page of Swords

GBT: Renaissance-minded, curious

3. What gift do you bring? Queen of Cups

GBT: A strong emotional connection (We be vibin’)

4. What do you expect in return? 8 of Pentacles

GBT: Actually, it would be nice if you did study art and history more in-depth instead of just talking about it or wishing you knew

5. How can you help me serve? The High Priestess

GBT: We’re spiritually connected so the potential is limitless

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? King of Swords

GBT: So you noticed that some of the faces were recycled a few times in the Court Cards. You are clearly getting better a noticing and seeing finer details. I can help you notice even more if you keep looking and keep learning about the artwork and the symbology used. I want to promote you developing a Renaissance mind and not just focusing on your strengths.

Me: I’m trying to become a better-rounded person during my Hermit year, so I’ll gladly take on that challenge. Thank you and I look forward to working together.


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