How To Invite More Playfulness Into Your Spiritual Practice

spirituality and playfulness

Guest blog about playfulness by Karina Ladet

Today I have the immense pleasure to be writing to you in the lovely Lisa’s beautiful online space. Lisa and I met many years ago and she was my first spiritual teacher online.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learnt when it comes to spiritual practice – and something I often remind my clients of too – is that it doesn’t have to be so serious!

I am deeply dedicated to Spirit and honour this connection with all my heart. But sometimes when we get too caught up in being «good girls» we forget that connecting with Spirit and our intuition can also include elements of playfulness.

If you find yourself being stuck in a rut and your list of to-dos is getting boring I invite you to come and play.

What if connecting with the Divine could be easy and joyful?

Some of my favourite ways to let go of my old habits and invite more playfulness is to:

Get creative

Start your day by dancing to music you’ve never danced to before. Get your crayons or paint out and let your imagination guide you. Connect with your heart and sing the sounds it wishes to express. Let your creativity lead the way and have fun!

Feeling creatively stuck? Check out these 7 holistic creativity boosters!

Go outside

It’s so much easier to connect with Spirit in nature. Take a walk and focus on being fully present both in your own body and with your surroundings. Open your eyes and let your intuition guide you. If you feel like hugging a tree – do! And if you feel the call from Mother Earth then lie down and breathe with her. Anything goes. Nature is the mother of playfulness.

Move your body

When you feel stuck in your own head or overwhelmed by too many feelings moving your body is a great way to shift your energy. Find ways to move that you enjoy and don’t be afraid to try new ones. How about finally signing up for that climbing class or finding the hula hoop hidden in your basement? You don’t have to be good at it – only willing to give it a try.

Sign up for a workshop

Keep learning new things and if you’re a spiritual teacher it’s inspiring to attend someone else’s classes. Allow yourself to be guided and enjoy the ride.

Do some journaling

Take a moment to connect with your heart and ask your spirit guides or angels to speak through you. When you switch off your mind for a moment and allow your intuition to flow freely miracles happen. You can ask questions or just let whatever you need to hear come through.

Spend your day with a child

Children are amazing at being present and finding joy everywhere. Have fun and do all the silly, hilarious things you enjoyed doing as a child. Give yourself a break from being an adult and let your inner child go crazy.

I hope these ideas inspire you and help you find new ways of connecting with Spirit and also with your own creative source. Have fun with this and use play to release any old patterns and invite a new way of being into your life.

Remember that you are free

You make up your own rules and you are free to change them when they no longer suit you. Life is all about growth and expansion so make sure you enjoy this beautiful ride.

Everything you need is right inside you.


Karina Ladet is an intuitive, healer, writer & passionate heart-centred entrepreneur who offers intuitive readings, and coaching and teaches amazing people how to communicate with their spirit guides and open up to their inner guidance both online and in live retreats worldwide. Karina’s warmth and joy-filled energy come across so clearly and her gifts help so many overcome blocks and challenges in their lives in order to truly step into their highest power. She lives with her family in the French countryside and she loves spending time in nature, playing with her kids and hugging trees.


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  1. Pingback: Sharing My Bliss + An Invitation

  2. Great reminder to have fun with connecting to the Divine and not take ourselves so seriously. All of the above are great tips to raise our vibration which is what connecting with the Divine is all about. Thanks!

  3. Thank you. Perfect message for me at this time. I am really enjoying this journey. X

    1. Author

      Glad you enjoyed, it. Karina is great! Thanks for commenting and stay blessed on your journey 🙂 x

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