The Inner Planes

The Inner Planes

This is not a channeled message but it was prompted by my spirit guides. The teachers and guides I work with in higher dimensions want me to share a list of all the beings and entities that I have personally had the pleasure of meeting on the inner planes so far. 

In 3D we all have what some refer to as an ‘agnostic reflex’ which tends us to doubt the reality of the inner planes, much to our detriment as much wisdom and potential for healing is lost this way.

If you are reading this, it is because you have been called to re-member more of who you are so that you can be activated and begin fulfilling your mission on earth.

Before I share my list, I wish to share a few other things. First I want to share a link to a wonderful article that explains the planes and how we ascend through them in-depth. The linked article is quite long and requires a clear mind to absorb the information so please take your time.

My Out-of-Body Experience

Second, I also wish to share my own experience of being taken up to the 5th dimension (the thought plane which lies beyond the astral/4D). This happened when I was about six years old, and even before this happened, I have several memories of flying around outside my body.

Visiting 5D straight from 3D, without lingering on the astral plane first is a mind-blowing experience. I had to have my mind blown this way to cope with my existence here on Earth. Knowing that this is a very limited place compared to a much greater reality elsewhere is what in many ways helped me stay sane(-ish hehe) and eventually align with my purpose in this lifetime. I know I’m not the only Lightworker who had this experience as a young child and would love to hear from others with a similar experience.

There are many pitfalls for Lightworkers. Let’s not pretend there aren’t. 3D is the testing ground for the heart chakra and it is often matters of the heart that derail us. Many of us don’t even feel worthy to serve with our light fully switched on because of the many perceived ‘failures’ (i.e. lessons) along the way. If that is you, please understand this: It’s your ego pride holding you back from fully shining your light in the world, not your Higher Self. You must let go of your attachment to success in the eyes of the world to let go of the pride and fear of failure that is holding you back. If you can do that, you are free to return to a state of innocence and full alignment with Source right NOW.

Inner Planes Beings I have Encountered

Here are (in no particular order) some of the very real beings I have encountered on the inner planes in varying states of consciousness, some while dreaming, some while awake:

Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Michael
Goddess Hel
Goddess Nephthys
Jesus Christ
Shadow People
Melek Taus
Faery Queen Aine
Faery King Oberon
My daughter
My grandmother
My grandfather
My friend’s dad
The mother of another friend
Souls of people who have died a traumatic death
The spirits of two young girls
My father
The Crone
Aspects of self

I cherish all of these connections and what I learn from them. They are real, my friends, and so are yours. Feel free to share some of your inner plane contacts in the comments below to help strengthen your faith and make it easier to ascend/stay aligned with your life purpose.

Always trust your inner knowing and use your spiritual discernment when others share their wisdom with you. You carry the light of truth within you.

Lisa signature

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  1. Hi Lisa,
    this is one of the many yours articles that have a soothing deep impact on me, thank you for doing it.

  2. This is the first website I check in the morning when I wake up ,and the last one before going to bed.
    You are an inspiration,Lisa. A muse. It’s always a pleasure reading your articles . Your knowledge and your way with words astounds me.
    I can’t wait for you to write books!!!!
    Go girl!!!

  3. Beautiful article, Lisa! Thank you for this!
    I know I have encountered very real beings sporadically through my life, ranging from Extraterrestrials (sounds outlandish but they were VERY real), crossed over loved ones, Insectoids (again, sounds outlandish but they were very real – I’m not sure what to call them but they were half human, half insect, like an HR Giger painting or something), Shadow People, I’ve heard disembodied voices, seen apparitions of people I know and don’t know, different animal spirits, and I have spent quality time with Archangel Haniel (who likes to appear to me in the form of Princess Elsa from Frozen for some reason!), Archangel Raphael, my crossed over Uncle who is one of my Guardian Angels, and I had a very cathartic meditation session with Archangel Michael earlier this year.

    He and I were standing in the cul-de-sac facing my Mom’s old house holding hands. He told me it was time to release and dissolve the ethereal cords that kept me connected to that house. I didn’t want to but he gently urged me to observe how big the cords were and how they were hurting me. When I looked down, I saw two blood-red Birch Tree-sized cords coming from my Heart and Root Chakras that were attached to the house. Archangel Michael softly cut away at them with his sword while I sobbed but he reassured me that I was ready for these cords to be completely dissolved once and for all. When I came out of the meditation, I felt lighter and like I no longer had any attachments with that house. It was such a beautiful experience that I knew was extremely real.

    I know I have a lot of growth left and I am enjoying the journey! Thank you for sharing such wonderful and helpful information for all who are on their Spiritual Paths. I am loving experiencing everyone’s journeys! Thank you! <3

    1. Author

      Not weird at all, Katzi, and thank you so much for sharing! You reminded me to add ET’s and shadow people to the list 😀 What a wonderful healing experience you had with Archangel Michael! The insectoids… I’ve actually seen an aspect of self as one… as part of my Elemental realm heritage, an earlier evolutionary stage I suppose… but all stages remain with us as time is only an illusion. Love and Blessings, Lisa

      1. Beautifully said! I always try to remind myself that time is an illusion 🙂 Although it was hard, I cherish that healing experience with Archangel Michael. It has helped me grow a lot this year so far! I’m happy to know that you’ve had (hopefully good) encounters with ET’s and Shadow People as well. Surprisingly, not a lot of people are open to that, or maybe I’m sharing with the wrong people!
        Thank you, Lisa! <3

        1. Author

          Well, I wouldn’t exactly call my experience with demons and shadow people ‘good’ BUT I learned from them… and mainly that there is NOTHING to fear when we allow ourselves to be protected by the love and grace of God. All good with the ET’s though. I’m part Arcturian myself 😉 <3

  4. Lisa,

    You just made me remember a time when I was laying in bed. I was likely younger than 5 years old and I fully understood just how SMALL I was compared to the vast Universe that was out there. I KNEW ABOUT THAT WHICH IS BEYOND THIS EARTH, THIS REALM when I was such a little child.

    Let me say, BAM! That realization opened me up to such a huge potential for my life, my realms, within myself and especially in the work I do.

    Thank you for shaking me from my slumber!

    Blessed be.

  5. This is really interesting Lisa – many thanks. Personally, I am at an early stage of this journey (probably like many others) who are steeped in upbringing and the material world, but I am working hard to access the higher planes. Unlike you, I have have little or no experience beyond this current plane, but now I am beginning to understand, and recognise, the signs that I am unfolding, awakening. I am so excited and I love finding out about how to transcend and what to look for/try. Thank you so much for the information (and loving support) through articles like this. Blessings and love sent your way from my soul. xx

    1. Author

      Thank you for sharing where you are on your journey, Patricia, and many blessings for the next part of it. It’s exciting, isn’t it? 🙂 Love, Lisa xx

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