In today’s post we examine the spiritual origins of the Tarot. We also question proposed Annunaki and Thoth-ite origins of the Tarot.
The Heart Abundance Tarot Spread
The Heart Abundance Tarot Spread shows you how to generate abundance for yourself and everyone by connecting through the heart.
The Timeline Split Tarot Spread
On the threshold of the Age of the Holy Spirit, it is obvious that Earth’s timeline has split. This Tarot spread shows what it means for you.
The Inner Planes
The agnostic reflex is strong here in the third dimension. This is why our spirit guides and teachers want us to share our experiences and keep the faith.
The Tarot on the 11:11 Awakening Code
Happy 11/11, everyone! Here we revisit a post I wrote about the 11:11 Awakening Code back in 2014 on my old site,