The Hone Your Craft Tarot Spread

Happy Equinox, everyone! We’re having a rainy Ostara here in North Yorkshire, so I decided to celebrate with a little Tarot Ritual indoors rather than venturing outside.

Since connecting with the realm of the Fae last week, my yearning to work with them is growing ever stronger and was intensified by a dream about Melek Taus (aka Dian-y-Glas, the Peacock Angel, Lucifer etc).

I’m at a crossroads and feel ready to commit myself to a particular Path of Witchcraft, as well as to start honing my Craft which, to be fair, could be called dabbling up to this point as I have done what so many Neo-Pagans and New Agers do these days, i.e. cherry-picked and not really committed myself to any particular Path or Deity. But I think it’s right to not commit until the Path itself draws you in. The Path should choose you, not the other way around…

The spread below, Hone Your Craft, was created to help me understand where I’m at and create more focus as I move ahead. I felt drawn to work with the Thoth Tarot and the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle.

The Hone Your Craft Tarot Spread

The Hone Your Craft Tarot Spread

General Guidance about my Path. The card at the top, Catch Me, speaks of new beginnings and taking a leap of faith – so very apt for Ostara and for what I yearn to do right now. It’s about honouring one’s intuition and taking a risk… or what appears to be a risk to those observing from the outside.

In the top row and bottom rows, the first card shows me my strength, the second my weakness and the third card (from the Faery deck) shows me what I can do to stay on course.

The focus for the top row is theory and the focus for the bottom row is practice of the Craft.

Essentially, the Thoth Tarot shows me that my forte is my passion and the speed at which I’m able to learn new material (8 of Wands and Ace of Wands). My weakness when it comes to theory is a tendency to jump to conclusions (Prince/Knight of Swords). There is a need to really start (over) right at the beginning (two Aces in the bottom row) when it comes to the practice – much because I’m finally on an actual (invisible) Path!

How to Stay on Course

Crystal Magic is about the dance as much as it is about crystals apparently, according to the companion book. I need to keep listening to the music of the spheres to avoid a rigid and unyielding mindset.

Gossamer Princess covers both the relationship work I want to do and the process of initiation I’m currently undergoing.

Let me know how you go if you decide to give this spread a whirl. Feel free to use any decks that are calling to you!

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  1. Perfect your interpretation … I'm always too "mental" and I tend to put off the practice for fear of making mistakes. I know what I do, I have all the information, but I run away from the action! : D

    I only used a deck of tarot cards because I have not yet found an oracle that satisfies me fully, but it would be useful in many cases. In the future I would like to try a "I Ching" in the form of a deck of cards 🙂

  2. Thank you, Colubrina! Did you only use a Tarot deck then? The first card tells you what you need to know about your Path right now. It could be telling you that you are very 'in your head' with it all, analysing information from all angles and not quite ready to move forward yet. You are good at making sense of intellectual information as this King denotes mastery of the Intellectual realm. If we pare this down to an Elemental level it's Fire of Air… How do YOU see this King?

  3. Thank you Lisa!

    this spread … I tried to use it and it was interesting what came out.

    But I do not know how to interpret the king of spades as the first card ….

    I used my Cruel Thing Tarot deck … it is the only deck that I use for myself, a bit 'of time.

    I'm happy for you, for you have found your own path! You can carry everything you've experienced and learned over the years into a single, powerful direction!

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