A Midsummer Tarot spread for heart healing with a bit of help from the Faeries.
10 Signs That You Are on a Faery Path + Tarot Spread
Do you love fairies? There could be a deeper reason for that! Check out these 10 signs and learn if you were born to walk the Faery Path.
Beltane A-Z
A Beltane A-Z. Beltane is a celebration of light and love. We banish all darkness and celebrate the arrival of the summer half of the year.
Heart Chakra Relationship Reading with the Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle
A while back, I created a Heart Chakra spread with the Psychic Tarot Oracle, to be used with the Romance Angels Oracle or an oracle of your choice. Now that …
The Hone Your Craft Tarot Spread
A Tarot spread to help you hone your Craft and magickally align yourself with the Path that is calling you.
The Faery Love Cross Tarot Spread
We could all do with a bit of help with our love life from time to time… Why not let the faeries help? Here is a love Tarot spread to help you gain guidance from the realm of the Fae.