light language

The Ultimate Guide to Light Language: Exploring Divine Expression

light language

Language is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal for communication and self-expression. But what if there was a language that transcended the boundaries of our spoken words? A language that could tap into the profound depths of our spiritual and energetic selves? Welcome to the world of light language!

In this guide, we will delve into the fascinating realm of light language, unravelling its mysteries and uncovering its transformative power. We will also explore the similarities and differences between light language (LL) and the practice of speaking in tongues, shedding light on these unique forms of divine expression.

Embark on a Journey of Divine Expression

So are you ready to explore the enchanting world of light language? This guide is your ticket to unlocking the mysteries, expanding your consciousness, and unleashing your true creative potential. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with self-discovery and profound connections. Embrace the power of light language and let the magic begin!

The Language of the Soul

Light language is an ancient, innate form of communication that bypasses our analytical minds and connects directly with our energetic and spiritual selves. It is a multidimensional language that uses sounds, tones, symbols, and energetic frequencies to convey messages, activate energies, and facilitate healing.

Overall, LL is a deeply personal and intuitive form of expression that allows us to bypass our analytical minds and connect directly with our energetic and spiritual selves. It is a tool for healing, expansion, and connecting with higher realms of consciousness including God/Source.

The Three Types of Light Language

There are three types of light language. Each type offers its own unique way of expressing and connecting with your essence and the spiritual and energetic realms. You may find that you have more of a pull to one form over the others or that you like to change between all three, sometimes combining spoken and energetic LL. Trust your inner guidance on this.

All three forms of LL can be used to receive and disseminate downloads. An energetic download refers to the reception and integration of information, frequencies, or knowledge from higher realms or dimensions into one’s energetic field and consciousness. Downloads can happen through light language and various other means, such as intuitive insights, sudden understandings, or transformative experiences, and usually facilitate personal growth, expanded awareness, and spiritual development.


This type of LL involves unique sounds, tones, and syllables that are not part of any known human language. The rhythmic patterns and vibrational frequencies embedded in these sounds have the potential to activate and align the energies within ourselves and others, fostering healing and spiritual growth.

Each syllable or even a single tone can carry compact information in the form of downloads.


Written LL consists of symbols, glyphs, or intricate patterns that transmit energetic frequencies and messages. These symbols are often created intuitively and may not have a specific meaning in any conventional language. Encountering these symbols can trigger shifts in consciousness and evoke deep transformative experiences.

A single glyph or symbol can carry densely packed transmissions.


Energetic LL is a non-verbal form of communication that uses energetic frequencies, movements, and hand gestures. Practitioners of energetic light language may use their hands, body, or entire being to transmit healing energies, activate chakras, and clear energetic blockages. It is through these movements and gestures that they facilitate profound energetic transformations.

Energetic LL is sometimes combined with spoken LL. Many healers use both in their healing and activation transmissions and you can easily find examples, such as this, on YouTube.

Speaking in Tongues vs. Spoken Light Language

Speaking in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is a practice found in various, mostly Charismatic, Christian traditions. It involves speaking in a language that is unknown to the speaker or listeners, often resembling a fluid stream of syllables, sounds, and phonetic variations. Like LL, the practice of speaking in tongues transcends our conventional modes of communication.

In a religious setting, speaking in tongues is used either for personal edification or as a system for delivering prophetic messages. In the case of the latter, the Bible demands the presence of someone who is able to translate the messages.

There is a third form of glossolalia but it is extremely rare. This is when a person starts speaking in tongues but a known human language comes out of them, for the benefit of the native speaker of that language. This type of glossolalia happened at the first Pentecost according to the Bible.

Similarities Between Light Language and Speaking in Tongues

The similarities between light language and speaking in tongues lie in their ability to bypass the limitations of our analytical minds and tap into higher realms of consciousness. Both practices have the potential to facilitate spiritual connection, create shifts in energy, and catalyse profound transformations.

So is there any difference between speaking in tongues and using LL? Other than the cultural context they are used in, I haven’t found any based on my own personal experiences.

Speaking in Tongues and Entity Possession

Demonic/entity possession is very much connected with this third form of glossolalia in the Catholic Church tradition. Demon-possessed persons have been known to speak in ancient languages such as Latin and Aramaic, discernible only to people who have an academic background which exorcists invariably do. What are the odds?

Both light language and speaking in tongues offer gateways to spiritual experiences and inner transformation. The main difference is that they emerge from different cultural, historical, and personal contexts. Unfortunately, if you move from any non-Christian spiritual practice and embrace Evangelical Christianity, your LL may be judged and seen as demonic.

Light Language as a Religious Trauma Trigger

Conversely, if you transfer from a Christian background to more of a New Age-type spirituality, you may find that Light Language can trigger religious trauma. Please allow yourself time to heal. I share my personal healing journey from RTS in this post. You can be spiritual and NOT use light language until you are in a better space so go easy on yourself.

The Top 5 Benefits of Working with Light Language

Working with LL can offer numerous benefits that extend beyond words and conventional communication. Here are the top five benefits of working with light language:

1. Energetic Healing

It can carry powerful healing energies that can release blockages, upgrade DNA and promote balance and harmony within the body and energy field. By working with LL, individuals may experience physical, emotional, and spiritual healing on a deep level.

2. Enhanced Intuition

Working with LL can expand one’s intuitive abilities. The non-linear nature of LL bypasses the analytical mind and allows individuals to tap into higher realms of consciousness. This can lead to increased clarity, insight, and a deeper connection to their inner guidance system.

3. Activation and Awakening

LL has the potential to activate dormant energies and DNA strands and awaken latent potentials within individuals. By working with the unique sounds, symbols, and frequencies of light language, people may experience shifts in their consciousness, heightened spiritual awareness, and a greater sense of purpose and authenticity.

4. Transformation and Expansion

Light language has the power to catalyse personal transformation and expansion. It can assist in releasing limiting beliefs, patterns, and traumas, allowing individuals to step into their true power and potential. Working with LL can also aid in the process of expanding one’s consciousness and embracing a broader perspective of reality.

5. Connection and Unity

It has the ability to bridge barriers of language and culture, creating a sense of connection and unity among individuals. It operates on a subtle energetic level, traversing linguistic and cultural differences, and fostering a sense of oneness and interconnectedness.

Please note that the benefits of working with light language can vary from person to person, as it is a deeply personal and individual experience.

How to Begin Working with Light Language in 5 Easy Steps

meditating and receiving downloads

1. Set an Intention

Start by setting a clear intention for your light language practice. This could be for healing, self-expression, spiritual growth, or any other purpose that resonates with you. Setting an intention helps focus your energy and guides your experience with light language.

2. Create a Sacred Space

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can practice without distractions. Clear the area and create a sacred atmosphere by lighting candles, burning incense, or playing calming music. This helps create an environment conducive to connecting with your inner self and the energies of LL.

3. Relax and Center Yourself

Take a few moments to relax your body and calm your mind. You can do this through deep breathing exercises, meditation, or any other relaxation technique that works for you. Centring yourself helps you become more receptive to the energies and vibrations of light language.

4. Explore

Decide whether you want to explore spoken, written or energetic LL. For spoken LL, begin by making sounds, toning, or chanting intuitively. Don’t worry about making sense or following any specific rules – let your intuition guide you. For written LL, allow your hand to move freely and create symbols, glyphs, or patterns on paper.

For energetic LL, begin by moving one hand, tracing energy in the air. Let go of expectations and allow the symbols to flow naturally. Let the other hand join in whenever it wants to and if you feel like getting up to move your whole body, then go with the flow.

5. Reflect and Observe

After your practice session, take a moment to reflect on your experience. Pay attention to any sensations, emotions, or insights that arise. You may also journal about your experience or draw any symbols that appeared during your practice. This reflection allows you to deepen your connection with light language and gain a deeper understanding of its impact on you.

Remember, working with light language is a personal and intuitive practice, so trust your own guidance and allow yourself to explore and experiment. With time and practice, you may discover your unique approach to working with light language. Enjoy the journey!

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out my post about Light Codes and Soul Alchemy!

love raven liora

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