The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card represents expansive energy that can be either positive or negative. Surrounding cards and the context of the reading reveal more.
Positive Tarot Card Meanings for The Wheel of Fortune
- Opportunity and Success: The Wheel of Fortune represents a stroke of good luck and the alignment of favourable circumstances. It signifies new opportunities and a chance for success in various aspects of life.
- Change and Transformation: This card symbolizes the ever-turning wheel of life, reminding us that change is inevitable. It brings positive shifts and transformations, allowing growth and progress on our journey.
- Divine Intervention: The Wheel of Fortune is often associated with the workings of fate and destiny. It suggests that the hand of the divine is at play, guiding us toward our destined path and bringing blessings into our lives.
- Cycles and Rhythm: Just as the wheel turns, the Wheel of Fortune signifies the cyclical nature of life. It reminds us to embrace the ups and downs, knowing that everything is temporary and that new opportunities will come in due time.
- Gratitude and Appreciation: This card encourages us to count our blessings and express gratitude for the abundance in our lives. It reminds us to appreciate the good fortune we have and to cultivate a positive mindset.
Negative Tarot Card Meanings for The Wheel of Fortune
- Unpredictability and Uncertainty: The Wheel of Fortune can indicate a lack of stability and predictability. It warns us that external circumstances may change suddenly and unexpectedly, causing disruption and challenges.
- Loss and Misfortune: In some cases, this card can symbolise a downturn of luck or a period of misfortune. It suggests that we may experience setbacks or losses that are beyond our control.
- Resistance to Change: The Wheel of Fortune can represent resistance to the natural flow of life. It suggests that holding onto the past or resisting necessary changes can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.
- Lack of Control: This card reminds us that there are aspects of life that are beyond our control. It warns against trying to force outcomes or manipulate situations, as doing so may lead to negative consequences.
- Overindulgence and Excess: The Wheel of Fortune can signify a tendency toward excess and overindulgence. It cautions against becoming too caught up in material pleasures or seeking instant gratification, as it may lead to imbalance and negative consequences in the long
Getting to Know the Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is associated with the throat chakra, self-expression and feeling comfortable with taking up space. Astrologically, The Wheel of Fortune corresponds with Jupiter, the Planet of expansion and King of the Gods. He is the magnanimous and benevolent ruler who prompts us to take action when an opportunity comes our way. He brings good fortune but also causes us to go to extremes and overindulge.

The trick is to always find the centre point when the Wheel shows up in a reading. The wheel will never stop turning and whether it’s about to turn up or down, being centred at the hub is always preferable to clinging to the rim or one of the spokes.
Timing is usually an issue when the Wheel shows up. However, unless we are centred and focused, our timing is likely to be off and the opportunity will be gone… forever.
The Wheel of Fortune and the Throat Chakra
According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death.
~ Jerry Seinfeld
So what about the connection with the Throat chakra?
The Wheel is all about taking risks and very little feels riskier to most of us than expressing our truth.
The lesson to centre our energy in the hub of the Wheel comes in handy here. When we are centre and become the Observer, we are able to detach from our habit of comparing ourselves to others as well as the need to be right. Everything just is and everything is OK. In this space, we realise that we risk nothing by being true to ourselves and in this space we own our own divinity.
A person described by the Wheel is charismatic, confident and creative. They speak their truth and in doing so, they inspire others to do the same. An example of such a person among the Court Cards would be the King of Wands (Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter). On the other hand, the King of Wands occasionally suffers from foot-in-mouth disease.
Jupiter is also the old ruler of the deeply intuitive Water sign Pisces. Here, intuition rules the timing of when to speak and when to keep silent. On the downside, Pisces may be overly concerned with what everyone else is thinking and feeling as they act as psychic sponges. The overindulgence aspect of Jupiter is seen in Pisces in the form of a tendency toward addictions.
Correspondences for the Wheel of Fortune
Angelic correspondence: Archangel Zadkiel
Planet: Jupiter
Chakra: Throat chakra
Colour: Blue
Crystal: Blue sapphire, Blue lace agate, Lapis lazuli, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Topaz
Metal: Tin
Body: Vitality levels in general, the feet (Pisces) and hips (Sagittarius), a sense of optimism that is beneficial to the process of recovering from any illness
Exercise: Horse riding, le Parcours
Stance: The Wheel Pose (followed by Child’s Pose)
Magickal Tool/Ingredient: The index finger
Associated Major Arcana Cards (through numerology): The Magician and The Sun
Associated Minor Arcana Cards: All cards associated with Jupiter
- 2 of Pentacles (Jupiter in Capricorn). Healing by not being afraid of creating new structures when we outgrow the old ones. Getting organised and coming up with a plan for expansion.
- 6 of Wands (Jupiter in Leo). Healing comes through cultivating supreme self-confidence and not being afraid to shine.
- 9 of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces). Healing comes from gratitude and counting our blessings.
- 4 of Swords (Jupiter in Libra). Healing by creating relationship harmony.
- 8 of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini). Liberating our minds by allowing for opposing views without judgement.
Remedies to increase the energy of the Wheel in your life
- You can make a tarot essence to harness and increase the energy of the Wheel, using the Wheel of Fortune card of your choice, along with any of the crystals above that you feel drawn to work with.
- Placing the Wheel card over your throat chakra in meditation will liberate you and give you discernment about how to best express your truth, as well as about the best timing for it.
- Do something you have been dying to do, right now!
- Leap over a fire or a beck
- Generously compliment people and give them gifts
- Ask yourself ‘Does this make my energy expand or contract?’ before making a choice.
- Tell yourself you’re lucky.
- Say ‘Yes!’ the next time someone asks you to speak in front of a group of people.
Affirmation: “I go within to define myself and my expression is a true reflection of who I am.”
Angelic Invocation to Archangel Zadkiel
Blessed Archangel Zadkiel, thank you for transmuting the darkness in my life into optimism, excitement and laughter. Help me find more opportunities to get a good belly laugh today. Amen and so it is!
- Spend time in meditation, becoming the Observer
- Keep a journal
- Sit with your back against a tree and do nothing for a while
- Get involved in an arts and crafts project that requires great attention to detail
- Give up an addiction
- Centre and ground your energy using the breath
- Spend a day in complete silence
- Lie in Child’s Pose
Love and Relationships
The tenth Major Arcana is all about endings and new beginnings. Massive and often sudden changes are implied. Big moves are made; risks are taken. Fortunes shift and the rich are made poor, or the homeless person wins the jackpot.
Look out for New Opportunities
You can almost hear the Fates cackle in the background when the Wheel of Fortune is pulled. When you pull this card, the main thing to remember is to be on the lookout for new opportunities coming your way.
Because whether the Wheel is turning in your favour or not you need to be aware of what you have to work with to make the Wheel work for you. Your mantra should be: I’m alert, grounded and centred in the hub of the Wheel.
So what are the implications of The Wheel of Fortune in love and romance?
To a single person, a change of fortune is implied and depending on surrounding cards this could mean either a more or less catastrophic encounter with a player (or worse), or it could mean that you are about to meet ‘The One.’
You will be challenged to take a chance because whatever this new thing is, it will be something you can’t possibly prepare for in any other way than to expect the unexpected. Think first parachute jump and you get the idea. Think ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway!’
On the other hand, you could be challenged to desist from taking a risk. The gamble might be ill-timed, as the Wheel of Fortune is very much a card of ‘right timing.’ It could, for instance, mean that this is indeed ‘The One’ but now is not the time (indicated by a reversal of The Wheel).
A Change for the Better
If you are doing a relationship reading for yourself and your partner and there is an issue that you have been grappling with for some time, the Wheel brings great optimism and tells you that the solution is at hand.
One or both of you are able to turn things around. You might find that your partner changes drastically and is able to let go of old negativity. Or it could be happening to you. Sudden insights and a feeling of great optimism make it possible to let go of old grudges and to feel fabulous about the future again.
Projections end and you start taking responsibility for your own shadow stuff. Unforgiveness ceases to be an issue. You stop sweating the small stuff. You start trusting in the goodness and abundance of the Universe, lifting the stress of constant financial worries from the relationship.
The Greater Benefic
“How is all this good stuff possible?” I hear you asking. It’s the blessing of Jupiter, ‘the greater benefic’ which is the planetary correspondence for The Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter rules the higher mind and helps us get our perspective straight.
To a couple, it could also indicate that joint ventures you have with your partner are at the mercy of Lady Luck for better or for worse. As always, surrounding cards will tell you more. Watch out for arrogance though – it could trip you up!
This could be the couple that has decided that the world is their oyster and doesn’t mind gambling with other people’s money or borrowing large sums of money. Look for cards from the Pentacles suit to indicate financial overindulgence. With the Jupiterian influence overreaching, recklessness and exaggeration are always a temptation – not so nice when the long arm of the Law comes knocking on your door!
I have also seen this card show up to indicate an unexpected pregnancy in a reading together with The Empress. The pregnancy ended in miscarriage, so the Wheel turned a full 180 degrees in a very short time.
Oh, and if this card shows up for your man, you might want to buy him a gym membership or he could start looking pregnant too. The overindulgence of the Wheel easily extends to food too.
For sexual intimacy, The Wheel of Fortune could mean that increased optimism in you and your partner also increases the libido even after the honeymoon phase of the relationship is over. Trying new things under the covers and really enjoying it could also be indicated.
However, if you are ‘kinda sorta’ seeing someone and being experimental, the Wheel indicates the need to take precautions and protect yourself against STIs as well as unwanted pregnancy. Risk-taking on behalf of yourself or the person/people you are seeing could be an issue.
CLICK HERE for more in-depth Love Tarot card meanings for the Wheel of Fortune.
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