Archangel Ariel Abundance Activation Tarot Code 8 Strength

Ariel Angelic Tarot Activation

Archangel Ariel Abundance Activation Tarot Code 8 Strength

A Channelled Message from Archangel Ariel

Beloveds, you are powerful co-creators of limitless abundance. Allow us to break it down: Powerful. Co-creator. Limitless abundance. 

Abundance is your birthright. Thriving in every way imaginable here on Earth is your birthright. Belonging is your birthright. You may not have been raised with a sense of belonging and this is what makes it difficult for you to thrive – especially when it comes to feeling financially supported and prosperous in life.

Co-creating abundance comes from overflowing with the joy of being alive. This joy has no sense of separation. It has no agenda of withholding. It is that joy that overflows and shares freely. This joy is what creates Heaven on Earth, for the Highest Good of All. You are now poised at the precipice where all greed comes to die. A new Era beckons and you are the ones who bring this Era into existence on Earth. Such is your power.

If you were raised without much joy and left feeling disconnected, broken, unsafe, and uncared for you may need to clear these feeling-thought states first. You are not poor or less blessed than anybody else but your mindset is closed to abundance due to your hurt. We, the angels, see your pain and grief. We do not deny that some of your lessons here on Earth have been right at the edge of what you were able to bear.

Acknowledge how far you have come

But see how far you have come already Dear One. Are you not stronger and more compassionate thanks to these tests and tribulations? Is your wish to alleviate similar pain in others not throbbing within you, in time with every heartbeat? This compassion is your true wealth and it makes you powerful beyond belief. 

And you are still alive. You still have sweet breath in your lungs and light shining out of your eyes, along with a strong desire to make a difference. We, the angels, want you to thrive so that you can truly begin making a difference. 

Ariel – Angelic Activation

Receive the abundance activation from Archangel Ariel now. See in your mind’s eye how she holds out her hands over your head. Pink light flecked with gold is streaming down through them into your aura. Any blocks to abundance, any sadness and or sense of being disconnected/not belonging, are being cleared now. Feel your heart fill up with joy and gratitude for the gift of Life and the beautiful body you have been given this time around. Repeat three times out loud:

I choose to thrive.

Give thanks to the Divine and all the angels who are always there to help you.

So be it and so it is!

Return to the 22 Angelic Codes.


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