22 Angelic Tarot Codes for Awakening Christ Consciousness

Angelic Tarot Activations of the 22 Major Arcana Cards

Angelic Activations of the 22 Tarot Codes

Embodying Christ Consciousness through Angelic Tarot Activations

What if the awakening to our Christ Consciousness has been encoded in the Tarot? When I asked my Higher Self this question, Spirit guided me to the answer within days. I woke up one morning and wrote down the corresponding Angelic Codes for each of the Major Arcana cards. As happens so often, the answer had come to me while I was sleeping.

This list took me seconds to write, and I knew I had channelled it through from my Angelic Guides, yet I began doubting the information. It wasn’t the correspondences that I had previously used (based mainly on Astrology), though many of them remained the same. It was a new system… and the voice of my separate self was causing me to doubt the information.

When in doubt, ask for confirmation. I know this and teach it but sometimes have to remind myself. I did a reading with the 22 Codes on random.org. (You can easily do this for yourself, using the list below.) So I asked for confirmation from Metatron, guardian of the seventh code of Christ Consciousness, associated with The Chariot.

Sacred Sovereignty

I was then guided to this video about Metatron, where the ‘Spiritual Sun in the Heart’ is discussed. This spiritual sun is clearly visible in the Morgan Greer (one of my favourite decks) version of The Chariot above. It was the confirmation I needed! But I got more than I bargained for when it was revealed to me that the reason that Metatron is so keen to help us remove doubt and the associated negativity is because he is helping us steer that chariot all the way to Holy Sophia. She is considered Metatron’s Archeia and is the guardian of the corresponding Angelic Code for The World!

The other thing is that I am in a 7 Chariot personal year. This year my connection with the angels has started blossoming once more. You can have a strong connection but still get derailed by cynicism and doubt (both connected with the number 7). I am afraid I wasn’t entirely unaffected by that in the wake of the Doreen Virtue debacle.

It took me a while to recover and return to the purity of my own connection. This meant entering into a process of releasing regret, blame, guilt and cynicism that I had allowed into my energy field as I was busy campaigning for the ‘victims’ of this teacher. Of course, as always, when we come out the other side, we see clearly that victimhood is only part of the illusion. Sometimes, we need this illusion to learn how to free ourselves and re-establish our own sovereignty.

22 Angelic Tarot Codes for Embodying Christ Consciousness

So… Back to the 22 Codes. What are they for and how do we use them? We are meant to use them for spiritual pathworking with the Tarot to awaken and align. Working with each of the codes acts as an angelic activation for the corresponding trump, unlocking the upper levels of Light contained within that Arcanum.

I will blog about each of these codes in a series of posts over the next few weeks/months (however long it takes to channel the information through).

My angelic guides are saying that this channelled information will help you become crowned and winged. I will do my best to act as a channel for these magical and empowering messages.

Before publishing this article (but only after receiving my instructions from Metatron), I checked my Numerology of the day: I’m in a 7 year, a 7 month and a 7 day and my Tarot card of the day is The Hermit. You can read about angel number 777 HERE. Okay then, let’s do this! 🙂

ETA: I was wondering if anybody had channelled anything about the number 777 relating to Metatron. So after publishing this article I did a quick Google search and found THIS. I mean, come ON!!!

The 22 Angelic Tarot Codes

0 – Uriel (The Fool)
1 – Raphael (The Magician)
2 – Gabriel (The High Priestess)
3 – Haniel (The Empress)
4 – Sariel (The Emperor)
5 – Sandalphon (The Hierophant)
6 – Jophiel (The Lovers)
7 – Metatron (The Chariot)
8 – Ariel (Strength)
9 – Raziel (The Hermit)
10 – Zadkiel (The Wheel of Fortune)
11 – Raguel (Justice)
12 – Asariel (The Hanged Man)
13 – Azrael (Death)
14 – The Angel of Temperance (Temperance)
15 – The Higher Self (The Devil)
16 – Chamuel (The Tower)
17 – The Angel of Grace (The Star)
18 – Barachiel (The Moon)
19 – Michael (The Sun)
20 – Jeremiel (Judgement)
21 – Holy Sophia (The World)

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  1. Pingback: Exploring the Power of Angelic Tarot Healing: A Comprehensive Guide

  2. Lisa, your timing is truly Divine!

    First, it is no coincidence that I recently unearthed my copy of the “Morgan Greer Tarot,” which is also one of my personal favorite Tarot Decks.

    Second, this year I have been reconnecting more deeply with not only the Archangels but my personal Angels.

    Also, as you may recall, this past weekend, I had the honor and pleasure of being back at Notions-N-Potions in Beacon, New York to give Readings, and while I was there, I was Divinely Guided to purchase my very first Crystal Grid layout, and it was one of the image very often referred to as METATRON’S CUBE! Also, it was the only one there with that image. Coincidence? Yeah, right!

    Finally, last night, I spoke to an acquaintance that I first met at a NYC-based Gayme group (in other words, members of the LGBTQIAPlus community playing board games, dice games, card games, etc.). Not only did he give me a copy of the “Morgan Greer Tarot,” but his Sun-Sign is Cancer, which is the traditional Western Astrological Correspondence for Trump VII, The Chariot Card.

    I AM most thankful for all you do for and give to so many. May the Great Goddess forever Bless you and yours with Wealth, Health, and Happiness.

    1. Author

      Wow, Robert, that’s some AMAZING synchronicity!! Thank you so much for sharing and many blessings of Holy Sophia to you! <3

    2. Hi ,

      I’ve been using the Morgan Greer lately and connecting with it on a deep level.
      Robert, I’m in Tivoli, New York (top of the county). Love the synchronicity! I’m thrilled to know someone so close to my area enjoys Lisa’s blog as well.

      1. tara, I often say there are no accidents in the Universe.

        I had to look up Tivoli, New York, on Wikipedia to get a better idea. When I saw that one of the surrounding municipalities is Newburgh, I was like, “Look at that!” I see that sign all the time, especially when taking a cab to the hotel.

        Well, if you are free on Saturday, October 26, 2019, 12-6PM, feel free to stop in at Chill Wine Bar for some wine and a Reading. I think I shall be one of eleven or twelve Readers, and I shall most certainly have the Morgan Greer Tarot with me, especially now that I unearthed it.

        As for Lisa, I have been following her blog for at least a year now, but have been spending more time on it lately. And her “Morning Affirmations” post has become a truly Goddess-Graced Gift!

    3. I’ll be in Maine that weekend but thank you for the invite.. Goddess bless you! and hope it goes well! Lisa is very inspiring!

      1. No worries, and Maine sounds lovely. I might need to look at where to visit.

        Notions-N-Potions has two Psychic Fairs every year, at Chill Wine Bar. The first is the Saturday before Mother’s Day, and the second and last one of the year is the Saturday before Halloween/Samhain. Sheryl, the Living Goddess who owns Notions-N-Potions has been doing it this way for years, and I know better than to argue with a Goddess!

        I have no doubt you and yours shall have a wonderful time in Maine four to five weeks from now.

        Many Blessings to you and yours and yes, Lisa is truly a font (or is it fount?) of Divine Inspiration, as well.

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