The Pleiades and Marian Devotion
Toward the middle of April, I started to feel an intense pull toward working with the angelic realm in May. This is the reason I created the #MayBeAngelic22 Tarot and Oracle Card Challenge on Instagram. It wasn’t long after that I started feeling a strong pull to work with the Queen of Angels as well. She now appears to me as both Isis and Mother Mary. I had a vague memory that there is a connection between Marian devotion and the month of May. Sure enough!
But how did this all begin? Like so many Christian practices, it turns out that the Marian devotion in the month of may began as Maian devotion. The month of May was named after the Pleiadian nymph/demi-goddess Maia, the eldest of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. Maia is also the mother of Hermes/Mercury/Thoth. And you don’t have to look far to find the connection between Isis and Thoth (the two Divine Magicians) or between Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael (angelic ruler of Mercury), both of the Emerald Ray.
It is fairly clear that on some level, Mother Mary is another incarnation of Isis. She came to teach us the alchemical power of the womb for which the ankh is a symbol. The church wittingly destroyed these teachings and turned Mary into a role model for the subservient female.
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
The church also hid the teachings which prove that Mary herself was born in a virgin birth. These types of births are part of the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine. It was only thanks to being part of such a Mystery School lineage that Mary could prepare herself to conceive Yeshua the Christ, the incarnated Logos.
Learn more about the mystery teachings around Mary and her connection with Isis in this video interview with Marguerite Rigologioso by Sacha Stone. Another great initiator into the Divine Feminine Mysteries is Gigi Young. She is very generous with her free teaching time and I highly recommend that you follow her.
Marian Devotion in May
So here we are, in the month of May… Can you feel the Angels Gathering? Are you, like me, feeling a pull toward the Divine Mother, the Queen of Angels? If so, you may wish to contemplate the alchemical resurrection symbol of the ankh for Isis and the pink rose of Mother Mary. These are keys that will help you unlock more of your past life memories and assist with the embodiment of the Divine Feminine if you are in the Rose Priestess lineage.
I quite like the lyrics below. They are taken from a Catholic hymnal but have kept the gnostic roots almost entirely… (Feel free to change the name to Isis or Maia!)
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
There is a lot more to unpack about the connections between the Pleiades and Earth but we will leave that for another day. Instead, let’s ask Mother Mary if she has a message for us.
A Channelled Message from Mother Mary
Beloved children of Earth. You call me Mother and I am indeed a mother to many of you, especially to those of you who know me as Isis in ancient Atlantis. I am she of virgin birth who, as a virgin myself, gave birth to Yeshua, an incarnation of the Logos. I am an initiate into and master of the feminine mysteries. And I have initiated many of you who are reading this already.
Now I return to speak through many of my Rose Priestesses at this important juncture in the history of mankind. This is to help you expand your consciousness and slough off the dense programming of the 3D matrix.
I am also here to help you remember and return to more elevated spiritual practices around holy conception. The reason for this is that many Starseeds are waiting for parents who have raised their vibration to be a good match for incarnating on Earth now. You will also need to remember these practices for yourselves, in order to stay on a more elevated timeline of 5D consciousness.
The Role of the Church
For 2,000 years the church has done all it can to make you forget the feminine mysteries. They have done so in service to the same forces that have recently thrown the world into chaos through a seeded medical event. These dark forces are making a final push to ensure that mankind and all creatures living here stay on the lower-vibrational timeline. And this they have done in order to implement alien technologies to mimic the alchemical power of the womb and turn themselves into gods.
Priestess daughters of mine, rise up! Remember who you are!
Thank you, Mother, Queen of Angels, for this beautiful transmission. I pray that all who read it can feel the deep love in your words. Let May be a month of Marian devotions in the true spirit of the Divine Feminine! And so it is!
Omg! This past Saturday I woke up and felt a need to connect with Mary . I had no idea about may and the Marian devotion.
So , yes I feel the pull strongly.
Interestingly I purchased a used copy of the Isis deck a couple of months ago .
I started to use it but didn’t 100%connect to the energy.
I tried to resell it on Facebook for cheap but it didn’t sell .
I take that to mean I should try again to connect with her.
I’ve always felt Mary and Isis are the same energy .
This is a wonderful revelation .
Thank you so much for sharing .
Once again we are in synchronicity.
That’s funny because I recently thought about reacquiring the Isis Oracle. Loving how in synch we are! xoxo
I also saved the above videos to a playlist.
I’ll let you know what I think .
Thanks for sharing.
Btw, Your homepage looks great.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!