Explore Egyptian Chakra correspondences with deities like Sekhmet, Anubis, and Thoth for spiritual growth and balance. Includes a Tarot spread
Sophianic Witchcraft and the Wise Witch Tarot Spread
Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and healing, exploring the Divine Feminine and Sophianic witchcraft. Includes a Tarot Spread.
The Isis and Mother Mary Tarot Spread
The Isis and Mother Mary Tarot Spread can help you harness the guidance of the Divine Feminine for healing your inner child.
A Mary Magdalene Rosary
This Mary Magdalene Rosary prayer is suitable for anyone on a Magdalene Rose Priestess Path but can be adapted for other Paths.
The Cosmic Roots of Marian Devotion in the Month of May
In today’s article, we explore the connection between Mary, Maia and Isis. We learn the true origins of Marian devotions in May.