Integrate Esoteric Christianity and Hekatean witchcraft by combining Christ’s solar light and Hekate’s lunar wisdom on the Middle Path.
The Ophiuchus Alchemy Tarot Spread
The Ophiuchus Alchemy Tarot spread will take you on an alchemical journey of exploration, guided by the 13th Zodiac Sign.
Dragon Reiki
Dragon Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality for those who are ready to know themselves deeply to heal on every level of their being.
The Cosmic Roots of Marian Devotion in the Month of May
In today’s article, we explore the connection between Mary, Maia and Isis. We learn the true origins of Marian devotions in May.
Splendor Solis Tarot Deck Interview
Splendor Solis Tarot deck interview, unboxing and flip-through. The Splendor Solis Tarot combines the Tarot with alchemy and is created by Marie Angelo and Debbie Bacci, published by Alchimia.