How to do muscle testing on yourself with the two hands method

Muscle Testing for Holistic Health & Wellbeing

How to do muscle testing on yourself with the two hands method

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is a practice used to assess imbalances in the body and promote holistic health and well-being. It can, for instance, be used to test for food sensitivities or for divinatory purposes in place of a pendulum.

Muscle testing is a subjective and individualised practice. It’s important to develop your own sensitivity to the muscle responses and practice regularly to improve your accuracy. If you have any concerns or need guidance, consult with a qualified healthcare professional or practitioner experienced in muscle testing and holistic approaches.

How to Do Muscle Testing on Yourself with the Two Hands Method

muscle testing closed position (yes/positive answer)

To use muscle testing for yourself, follow these steps

  1. Prepare Yourself: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Take a few deep breaths to relax and centre yourself.
  2. Establish a Baseline: Begin by establishing a baseline to determine what a strong or weak muscle response feels like for you by practising with some test statements.
  3. Formulate a Test Statement: Create a test statement that represents what you want to investigate. For example, “This food item is beneficial for my body.”
  4. Two hands muscle testing: Start with your dominant hand, and touch your thumb to your index finger. This will be the hand that tests your unconscious response. Then touch your thumb to your ring finger on your non-dominant hand. This is the hand you test your electrical response with. To muscle test, place the fingers (looped thumb + index finger) of your dominant hand into the loop you created with the other hand (thumb + ring finger), and move apart your fingers on your dominant hand to see if the loop on the non-dominant hand stays closed, or if it opens without too much pressure. Note that you do not need to use excessive force for this. If the fingers stay together easily, this indicates a yes or positive response. If the fingers open, this indicates a no or negative response.
  5. Set an Intention: Clearly state the intention of your muscle testing. For example, if you want to assess a food sensitivity, you might say, “I want to determine if this food is suitable for my body.”
  6. Interpret the Results: Based on the muscle response, interpret the results of the test statement. If the muscle stays strong, it suggests that the statement is true or beneficial for you. If the muscle weakens, it indicates a potential imbalance or unsuitability.

Repeat for Confirmation

To confirm the results, you can repeat the test using different statements or variations. This helps ensure accuracy and consistency in your findings.

Listen to Your Intuition

Use your intuition during the process. Pay attention to any subtle changes in your body, emotions, or energy while performing the muscle testing. These intuitive signals may provide additional insights.

Five Ways to Use Muscle Testing for Holistic Health and Wellbeing

  1. Identifying Food Sensitivities: Use muscle testing to determine if certain foods or ingredients may be causing an adverse reaction in your body. By thinking of a food item while using the method above, you can gauge whether or not it is suitable for you.
  2. Emotional Stress Release: Muscle testing can be helpful in uncovering and releasing emotional blockages. By testing different memories for triggers, you can identify patterns of stress, unresolved emotions or trauma responses*. This information allows you to focus on appropriate healing techniques or therapies such as EFT. While thinking of a potential trigger, test to see if it makes you reactive. A weak/negative response is a sign that you have more healing to do. ***Please note that testing for trauma triggers on your own is not recommended since you may need support to process what comes up.
  3. Supplement and Herb Evaluation: Use muscle testing to help determine which supplements or herbal remedies are more likely to support your specific health needs.
  4. Energy Balancing Techniques: Muscle testing can be used to assess energy imbalances in the body’s energy systems, such as the chakras. Think of an issue relating to a specific chakra and make a testable statement before proceeding to self-test. You can also use muscle testing after you have used a chakra balancing method to see if it has worked.
  5. Decision-Making and Intuition: Muscle testing can assist in decision-making processes by tapping into your body’s wisdom and intuition. By using muscle testing, you can ask yes-or-no questions and observe how your body responds, providing valuable insights and guidance.

Remember, muscle testing is just one tool among many in the holistic health and well-being toolkit. It is important to use this technique wisely and in conjunction with other appropriate practices and professional guidance for optimal results.

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