Are you looking for the quickest way to learn Tarot without having to memorise upright and reversed card meanings? Look no further!
A Tarot Reader’s Self-Worth – Personal Reflections and a Tarot Spread
The journey of a professional Tarot reader from self-doubt to authenticity. Explore a Self-Worth Spread for Tarot readers.
Swedish Fortune-telling with Playing Cards
Discover the fascinating world of Swedish fortune-telling with playing cards. Learn the meanings behind each suit and their combinations.
Can You Predict the Future?
You may have seen online psychics boast about 100% accurate readings. So the million-dollar question is, “Can you predict the future?”
The Three Types of Magic
Unlock the power within with the three types of magic. Explore divination, manifestation and theurgy for personal growth and transformation.
Muscle Testing for Holistic Health & Wellbeing
How to do muscle testing on yourself with the two hands method and five different health and wellbeing areas to use this method with.
The Spirit of Python Deliverance Revisited
Revisiting the Spirit of Python deliverance experience from January with a greater understanding of the psycho-spiritual reality behind it.
Dance Divination
Dance divination is a way of unlocking the inner knowing of your soul through the body. It can be used on its own or with the Tarot.
Archangel Anael Love Tarot Spread
The Archangel Anael Love Tarot Spread is an Angelic Tarot Spread that can help you prepare your heart for a committed love relationship.
The Wyld Godde Tarot Wheel of Fortune
The Wyld Godde Tarot Wheel of Fortune looks at the dilemma of prediction vs providence and the role of divination vs fortune-telling