Inguz Rune Tarot Spread

Inguz Rune Tarot Spread

In today’s post, I share the Inguz Rune Tarot Spread. Inguz is associated with male deities and their cyclic journey of birth, sacrifice, resurrection and rebirth.

Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. (Luke 17:33)

More specifically, in Norse Mythology, Inguz is associated with the fertility god Freyr who in even more ancient time was known as Yngvi/Ing.

On our spiritual journey, Inguz symbolises reaching a stage where we must sacrifice at least a portion of ourselves/what we see as ours, to make room for new growth and evolution.

The previous rune, Laguz is associated with The Hanged Man but so is Inguz – for the sacrifice portion of this card. Inguz also resonates with aspects of the Death card that carries the lesson of dying to the old self if we wish to transform into our true selves. The Tarot Aces resonate with Inguz as a seed energy.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Inguz:

Ing was first seen by men among the East-Danes,
till, followed by his chariot,
he departed eastwards over the waves.
So the Heardingas named the hero.

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Inguz HERE

Inguz Rune Tarot Spread

  1. What am I still clinging to that is part of my seed nature rather than my true self
  2. What area of my life will sacrificing this part of my seed nature most likely affect?
  3. What will it cost?
  4. What will I gain?
  5. How can this gain benefit humanity?

Inguz Rune Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

Inner Child Cards by Isha Lerner
  1. What am I still clinging to that is part of my seed nature rather than my true self? 5 of Hearts/Cups: My negativity. I’ve used it to protect myself against disappointment for too long. It’s time to bid it farewell.
  2. What area of my life will sacrificing this part of my seed nature most likely affect? 4 of Crystals/Pentacles: It will help me create a new foundation of power – a new home for me heart – that will help me in all earthly endeavours.
  3. What will it cost? Seeker/Knight of Wands (Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz): The problem lies within but so does the solution. It’s OK to need a bit of guidance when I follow the path of my heart’s desire but ultimately, the solution will never be/can never be anything outside myself. I will have to pay with more adventures, play more and not take myself less so seriously.
  4. What will I gain? Guide of Crystals/King of Pentacles: I will become healthy and better steward of everything that is in my domain. I won’t fritter away my earthly existence.
  5. How can this gain benefit humanity? 6 of Wands: It will make me more sociable and connected to others in joyful ways. I will be able to inspire success in others.

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