The God Frey and the Inguz Rune - Rune of Sacrifice

Inguz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

The God Frey and the Inguz Rune - Rune of Sacrifice

Inguz – Rune of Sacrifice

In order to create something new, sacrifices have to be made. Billions of sperm are sacrificed and even the winning sperm has to be consumed by the egg in order to create new life. The acorn has to die and go into the ground to become an oak tree. When deciding on a new course of study or career, many doors have to be closed so that we can step through the one door we believe is the right one for us. Creation is a constant process of destruction and sacrifice.

Hence sacrifice is one of the key concepts that I associate with the Inguz rune. I also feel this rune relates strongly to Tantra and mindfully absorbing male sexual energy to raise kundalini rather than ejaculating.

The Inguz rune is yang/masculine. Activation of it demands action/expansion. Although in its resting state, it is more neutral. Thus it can act as a catalyst for change in a reading.

Stripped back meaning based on the actual word and shape

The diamond shape of this rune makes it very easy to associate it with the Ace of Diamonds/Pentacles and it would also make sense to do so that the potential for manifesting anything on the physical plane is part of the meaning for this card.

The sound associated with his rune is ‘ng.’

Ing (aka Yngve) was a deity closely associated with the Norse fertility god Freyr and some even believe that Yngve is the true name of this deity, since Freyr means ‘Lord.’

On a more global and cosmic scale, this rune is corresponds with male (solar) deities and their cyclic journey of birth, sacrifice, resurrection and rebirth.


  • Polarity: Masculine
  • Herbal correspondence: Rosemary
  • Tarot card correspondences: The Aces
  • Colours: Black, brown, red, and gold
  • Archangel correspondences: Archangel Uriel
  • Chakra correspondences: Root Chakra and Crown Chakra
  • Health: fertility, birth, body parts that have to be sacrificed for the greater good

Divinatory Meanings

General: limitless potential, process of manifestation, sacrifice, stagnation/dissipation due to indecision or willingness to sacrifice some of the potential outcomes – Reversed: N/A

Love & relationships: Tantric relationship, trying to conceive, conception, the birth of a child, fertility issues affecting the relationship, new relationship with lots of potential, relationship harmony – Reversed: N/A

Health/wellbeing: a need to balance the reproductive system, fertility issues, male sexuality/libido, any -ectomy (surgical removal of body part), holistic approach, generally a sign of wellbeing and good health (surrounding runes tell more) – Reversed: N/A

Business: potential for expansion but you may need to reorganise (sacrifice) – Reversed: N/A

Holistic Healing Tips for Inguz

Chant ING-ooze to bless and activate your creative power when inspiration starts to flow. This can help you begin moving forward even though you may not yet be sure of the outcome or even what the end goal should look like. It is a way to show the Universe that you trust the process and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices along the way.

Use in fertility spells and/or to increase masculine sexual mojo.

Meditate with Inguz as part of initiation into the mysteries of Tantra.

Use with plants to help them grow and thrive.

Meditate with Inguz at the appropriate stations in the Wheel of the Year that honour the cycle of the Sun God.


  • I accept that the creative process demands sacrifices.
  • I have within me all that I need to manifest what Spirit guides me to manifest.
  • I joyfully integrate the divine masculine.
  • I radiate wholeness and harmony from within.
  • I make a choice and step forward into the future of my own creation.
  • I flow with sacred sexuality, honouring the divine feminine and masculine within and without.
  • I flow with the Wheel of the Year and am in harmony with the cycles of birth, death and rebirth.
  • I am limitless potential.

Inguz Prayer

Dear Mother-Father God, Thank you for the limitless divine potential that I AM. Help me choose wisely and move forward with determination in the direction that will be for the Highest Good of All That Is, willingly accepting any necessary sacrifices along the way. Amen and so it is!

Inguz Hyperborean Water Magic

In Inguz, the Male and Female Mysteries meet. The Divine Feminine womb of creation needs the seed (Inguz) of the Divine Masculine. In addition to the instructions below which are the same for all the runes, I recommend holding your hands together over the water so that they form the diamond shape of Inguz. You can still draw the rune in the air first but it’s not necessary. Holding your hands steady in this shape while chanting and visualising will create a more powerful container for your spell. You can also use the two-handed Inguz shape together while charging water with the other runes, either on their own or as bind runes. Essentially, this hand shape always focuses the energy and boosts the creation process.

How to Charge the Water

  • Draw the rune over your glass or another glass vessel with the pointer and middle finger on your dominant hand.
  • Chant the name of the rune three times.
  • Visualise the rune glimmering in the colour of your choice as you chant (see colour correspondences above).
  • Visualise the light from the rune charging every molecule in the water until the light expands beyond the glass. When the light has formed an aura around the glass that you can see or feel with your hands, it is ready to drink/use.

Inguz Water Magic

Make Inguz-charged water to call your energy home if it has been scattered. It’s a powerful healing spell whenever you feel drained of energy.

You can sip on water charged with Inguz all day long if you need to raise your inner Fire and motivation levels

When facing a choice that demands excluding one possibility you are struggling to make a choice, create an elixir with Inguz and say a prayer for guidance about the best way forward.

If you keep sacrificing yourself and your own needs simply to make others feel good, drink Inguz-charged water to remind yourself that you are the seed of your Higher Self, not of someone else.

Charge water with Inguz whenever you need to water your plants and you will receive a more bountiful harvest.

Take me back to the Elder Futhark Rune Index!

Try the Inguz Sacrifice Rune Tarot Spread!

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