Tiwaz Cosmic Law Tarot Spread

Tiwaz Rune Tarot Spread

Tiwaz Rune Tarot Spread

In today’s post, I share a Tiwaz Rune Tarot Spread. Tiwaz is the rune of Cosmic Law, courage and moral fortitude – specifically when it comes to staying true to our word. In Norse Mythology, this rune is associated with the god Tyr, who sacrificed his hand in the mouth of the Fenris wolf, to help capture and keep him bound until the end of times. This is why many also see Tiwaz as a rune of sacrifice.

Personally, I see the Inguz rune more as the sacrifice rune. Or rather as a more complete sacrifice of the self needing to die to be reborn. Where Tiwaz may bring lessons about the need to sacrifice some things to accomplish our goals, the sacrifice we must make in Inguz leads to an initiation into deeper/higher mysteries.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Sowilo:

“Tyr is a star. It keeps faith well with aethlings, always on its course over the mists of the night. It never fails.”

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Tiwaz HERE.

Tiwaz Cosmic Law Tarot Spread

Tiwaz Cosmic Law Tarot Spread

1. What is unfair or out of whack in my life now?
2. What I am doing that is causing this imbalance
3. An important outside influence/cause of the imbalance
4. Avoid this to bring balance/fairness back
5. Do (more of) this to bring balance/fairness back

Tiwaz Cosmic Law Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

1. What is unfair or out of whack in my life now? 10 of Pentacles. My legacy and my finances. And my financial legacy since there is none and as things stand, I will have to keep working until the day I die. I also keep getting sidetracked from any major projects I plan by pretty much anything that looks shiny and interesting. I refer to this as my ‘magpie mind.’ I know full well that I have nobody to blame but myself.
2. What I am doing that is causing this imbalance? 6 of Cups. I prefer to fall back on the things I know make me feel good, rather than facing the music and get stuck in with the kind of things that would provide me with the financial stability I need or would contribute toward actually completing a major project.
3. An important outside influence/cause of the imbalance Queen of Pentacles. Expectations of who and what I ought to be as a mother. This is not always a bad thing, since it slaps me into shape and is also a main reason for wanting more financial stability so that I don’t end up becoming a financial burden on my children. However, these expectations get me thinking in conventional terms about family and fortune. This is something that will never work for me since I have built my whole life on a row of extremely unconventional decisions, including that of choosing Tarot as my profession. Mostly, I see my family/children as a good influence in my life. They bring me into balance by grounding me.
4. Avoid this to bring balance/fairness back 4 of Swords. Avoid being plain lazy. You don’t need to rest as much as you think you do. This Jupiter in Libra card could also be about people-pleasing.
5. Do (more of) this to bring balance/fairness back 6 of Wands. Interestingly, the 6 of Wands in the Tarot of the Angels has a 10 of Wands feel to it. The man in the image is carrying a bunch of wands. He doesn’t seem as if he’s about to drop them but he is stooping a bit under the weight. I also notice the guardian angel walking in front of the man carrying the wands. I need to move forward with confidence in the work I’m being guided to do, even when it makes me feel uncomfortable.

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