creating tarot art for magick and manifesting

Tarot Art for Magic and Manifesting

creating tarot art for magick and manifesting

Not long after self-diagnosing with RTS in March last year, I began a new Tarot journey. As I said in the first post of the Wyld Godde Tarot Art series, I had no idea where it would take me. Well, it eventually took me back to my True Self. Out of the different modalities I used to heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome, art therapy proved to be the most effective. Working creatively with Tarot symbolism helped me embody my True Self to a degree I didn’t know was possible.

The good news is that you do not have to seek professional help*** to do Tarot Art, nor do you have to be a trained artist. I certainly don’t consider myself a visual artist. However, thanks to the new digital tools available online, as well as learning how to do scrapbooking, I can still express myself, heal and manifest through art.

What I learned through scrapbooking is that each page I create acts as a spell for self-transformation. It gradually helps me manifest more and more of what I experience on the inner planes into the physical. The irony is that I got into scrapbooking during my first RTS relapse in 2020. It’s quite popular in the Bible Journaling community. Many traditional Christians are very gifted magicians and sorcerers without knowing it. Art is magick. Of course, Aleister Crowley knew this and this is why he cleverly renamed Temperance (soul alchemy) Art.

CPTSD, RTS and Art Therapy

Art therapy has become recognised as an important component in trauma recovery. Its efficacy has been documented in various scientific studies and neurological research. The process of engaging in artistic creation activates the brain’s reward pathway. It releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, which can lead to an improvement in mood and a reduction in stress levels. These are crucial factors for individuals dealing with trauma.

A study published in the journal Art Therapy found that just 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lowered cortisol levels, a stress hormone, regardless of artistic experience or talent (Kaimal, G., Ray, K., & Muniz, J., 2016). By translating complex emotions into visual forms, art therapy facilitates non-verbal expression and processing of traumatic events. Art therapy allows participants to externalise and organise their thoughts and feelings. It is this ability to externalise, organise and integrate thoughts and feelings that helped me take back control.

Furthermore, engagement with art can stimulate sensory and perceptual pathways. This, in turn, helps in the reintegration of traumatic memories into the narrative memory system, allowing for better cognitive processing. A 2014 study by Schouten et al. at the University of Utrecht indicates that art therapy significantly improves symptoms of trauma. It has sustained effects on improving CPTSD symptoms.

While the research referenced above is about art therapy in a clinical setting, I find it to be accurate when relating it to my own experimentations.

Digital Tarot Art for Magic and Manifesting

Platforms like Canva provide an avenue for creating digital Tarot art, even for those who, like me, don’t have an art education. The other main benefit of a digital platform is that you do not need to invest in a ton of art or scrapbooking materials. You can start by selecting Tarot card images that resonate deeply with the intentions they wish to manifest. Using Canva’s vast library of elements, users can overlay these images with symbols, colours, and words that correspond to their desired outcomes. For example, someone aiming to attract abundance might choose the 9 of Pentacles and accentuate the card with shimmering gold elements and affirmations related to wealth.

Beyond static images, Canva enables the creation of visual affirmations through animated graphics and interactive presentations, imbuing the digital Tarot art with life and movement. Imagine animating the flow of water on the Star card to represent clarity and hope in one’s future path. Or you could try adding the flickering glow to candles on the 4 of Swords to enhance the intention of rest and meditation. Such dynamic features can aid in visualising and emotionally connecting with the manifestation goals. You can also layer audio of affirmations or meditative music using Canva’s multimedia capabilities. These are just some ways for you to craft a multi-sensory experience that can improve focus and heighten the power of your intentions.

Rings on Water

The beauty of digital Tarot art for magic and manifesting is its shareability and the ability to create a ripple effect of positive intentions. Once the digital art is completed, it can be easily disseminated across social media platforms and personal websites. This means you can hide your magic(k) in plain view because nobody needs to know (or indeed agree) that your art is a spell.

You could, for instance, design a digital vision board that incorporates various Tarot symbols and personal aspirations, then share it as a screensaver or a post online. You can also print your Tarot art for a physical reminder of your intentions. This is handy if you wish to keep your Tarot art private. It is up to you if you feel it is better to keep it to yourself or if sharing it will add more energy to your spell.

Tarot Art Scrapbooking for Magic and Manifesting

Creating Tarot art through scrapbooking for magical and manifesting purposes is a powerful way to craft a very personalised and potent tool. You might even view this as your very own Tarot Magick Book of Shadows.

To begin, choose a tarot deck that speaks to you. It doesn’t have to be complete; in fact, a deck with cards missing can be ideal for this creative endeavour. The absence of certain cards may signify a particular message or a void that you are aiming to fill through your art-making process. For instance, if the deck lacks The Lovers card, consider this an invitation to focus on creating an image that conjures your concept of divine partnership or self-love to manifest these qualities in your life. It also means upcycling a deck that might otherwise just end up in the bin.

Next, start collecting materials that resonate with the energy of the cards you have or the specific cards you wish to work with. Pieces of textured paper, ribbons, pressed flowers, or anything that symbolises your intentions can be used. For example, pairing the Ace of Pentacles with green fabric swatches and images of lush landscapes can reinforce the theme of new financial beginnings or earthly success. On the other hand, an image of a full moon placed alongside The High Priestess card can amplify the mysteries and intuition that this card embodies. As you assemble your materials, arrange them in a way that visually and energetically aligns with your manifestation goals. Create a collage on a page for your chosen card, imbuing it with intentions and affirmations.

Your Inner Child’s Messy and Creative Tarot Book of Shadows

Lastly, don’t be afraid to add your own touches and flair. This is a wonderful opportunity to get in touch with your inner child and create simply for the joy of the process. Be as messy as you like! You don’t need to show anybody your scrapbook/Tarot Book of Shadows.

If you are using a deck with some cards missing, turn it to your advantage by filling these gaps with your creations. You can draw, paint, or print out imagery that you find significant and add it to your scrapbook. If, for instance, the 7 of Cups is one of the missing cards, why not create a collage of your dreams and ambitions in its place? This is one way of directly linking the card’s connotations of choices and imagination with your aspirations. By being creative and infusing the scrapbook with your unique intentions and energies, you transform it into a living manifestation tool that continues to evolve with you on your journey.

A Note on AI

The intrinsic magic of art as a spell derives from the personal energy and intention embedded within the creation process. A piece of art that is entirely conceived by AI may not contain enough of your unique creative essence. It can, however, serve as a complement to a grander scheme. You could incorporate AI-generated elements as layers to a more complex, personally crafted work of art wherein your energy takes centre stage.

For more ways to create positive transformation with the Tarot, check out THIS POST!


*** Please do seek professional help if you can’t see the way forward!

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